Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Gen Men Excitement Over Drag Vance

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is not so much interested in the drahg kween JD Vance at a Halloween party in Yale pranks. It would be more interesting if Vance had appeared as reformed faggot Boy George.

What is of unsettling red flags are the number of the Gen men, who are all excited over these photos of Vance, gushing over them, a bit too interested for men to be, like the weirdo right who were hot for matron Hillary Clinton in getting erections over that hosebag.

That is the story in this, these wonder boys using their cell dildos to stroke off in masturbating in fondling pictures of JD Vance which is pervy.

Secular, this will not hurt Vance, as it will appeal the degenerates in the GOP.

Religious, this will not make difference to the Ziongelical Amen crowd as Trump is all up the ass for homo and pedo legal rights as that is what he wrote into the RNC platform.

Again, the unsettling and disturbing thing are these Gen men so excited over this, like liberal Anderson Cooper not lathering up enough over the "tea bag "comments leveled at whoever that was as it referenced scrotum sucking by queers.

Just remember what got the funds to be your voices, in this is what the agenda is, as this what excites them, as you sure as hell are not supporting this Protestant Christian platform with donations in you lurkers, in informing you of the reality of what is being financed out there in this pedonation shit.

Nuff Said

