Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Persian Pointer


Listen Yankee, you are about extinct in the erase event of your masters. Persia
is not going to do a thing as we will sit back and await your demise.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry counsels you to THINK a big about the following story as this is the third time Iran has had the finger pointed at her over something to do with Donald Trump.

The first thing you have to ask yourself is why is Iran emailing Politico and looking out after Politico's legal interests in English.

Let us review the history of this.

Mosaad leaks a story that Iran is hiring Venezuelan terrorists to attack America, same terrorists Bidencon let pour in, in open borders.

Mosaad leaks that Iran was stating it was going to assassinate Donald Trump.

Now we have NSA Microsoft stating that Iran broke into the Trump campaign and it is leaking to CIA Mockingbird Politico, and Hillary Clinton is delighted as it is payback for her being hacked...which Trump had nothing to do, but was the NSA and yes it was the Ukrainian Crowdstrike which liked and said it was the Russians.........yes more Mosaad.

Do you perhaps see a pattern in this.

Politico has the emails, having received them from the hacker. They have not confirmed who hacked the campaign or the motivation. The Trump campaign thinks it was a foreign actor, possibly Iran.

They have J.D. Vance’s dossier detailing his potential vulnerabilities.

The hacking was done through a phishing email. It targeted a high-ranking campaign official.

“These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process,” campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said. “On Friday, a new report from Microsoft found that Iranian hackers broke into the account of a ‘high ranking official’ on the U.S. presidential campaign in June 2024, which coincides with the close timing of President Trump’s selection of a vice presidential nominee.”

The person said they had a “variety of documents from [Trump’s] legal and court documents to internal campaign discussions.”

Asked how they obtained the documents, the person responded: “I suggest you don’t be curious about where I got them from. Any answer to this question will compromise me and also legally restrict you from publishing them.”

So the target was JD Vance who is Peter Thiel's crypto king to dump all the US Debt on the Fed in paying it off with worthless crypto, doing what Abe Lincoln did to the banksters of Europe and New York with his Green Backs to save America.

Someone tried to force Trump to not pick Vance and someone was before Butler sending a message to not pick Rubio and that Vance was the guy. Mosaad did not want Vance it appears as Vance would break their bankster rule.

Just a few facts for you ponder as Iran has done nothing to rock the boat as they with Russia do not want wars in Moscow or Tehran to help Big Mammy get into the White House, meaning it is in their interest to not antagonize Team Trump.

Use your sense to reason things out.

Nuff Said
