Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Red Heifer War

We are smoldering faggots for burning butt babies of Russia and Islam.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is from the United States State Department, as directed by the offices of Tel Aviv for NATO. The Lame Cherry has highlighted the important parts and will translate this as follows.

Prime Minister Netanyahu does not want peace. It is why he assassinated the Hamas peace negotiator with a bomb in Tehran. NATO has agreed that unless Hamas stops fighting within a week and Iran surrenders, NATO backs Tel Aviv with NATO forces to attack Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

We, the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy discussed the situation in the Middle East. We expressed our full support for ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions and reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal in Gaza. We endorsed the joint call from President Biden, President Sisi of Egypt, and Amir Tamim of Qatar to renew talks later this week with an aim to concluding the deal as soon as possible, and stressed there is no further time to lose. All parties must live up to their responsibilities. In addition, unfettered delivery and distribution of aid is needed. We expressed our support for the defense of Israel against Iranian aggression and against attacks by Iran-backed terrorist groups. We called on Iran to stand down its ongoing threats of a military attack against Israel and discussed the serious consequences for regional security should such an attack take place.

The war now has complete NATO support. It is intertwined with the Kiev invasion of Kursk and Belgorod Russia to pin Russia back so HIMARS and F 16's will smash Moscow, and allow 1600 Bidencon to declare victory over Putin and Trump in October.

The gambit is to have Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas use all of it's resources in a combined strike on two fronts, leaving them basically unarmed, and blamed for aggression, and then a process of making Russians and Iranians refugees.

The Embassy slipped and provided a warning and warned Americans (dual Jew citizens) that it would take days to rebook flights out, and then it posted this:

Mortar and Rocket Fire or Hostile Aircraft Intrusion:

Mortars are close range fire, as in ground forces will be deployed and not these missiles and rockets. They are expecting some nation to fly air attacks to support Iran, Hezbollah and Hama. There are only 3 air forces in Russia, Syria and Iran. This is going to be up close and personal and Tel Aviv is going to lose air cover.

No declarations of war. No Congressional oversight. Just Lord Austin moving battle groups for this international socialist venture of nuclear bomb jousting.

Netanyahu has got an agreement to start this Red Heifer War and NATO is now agreed to fight it with air power and hybrids.

This is the step to Armageddon.

Prelude To War Statement By US, UK, Etc

The Russian hope is in Donald Trump being an honest party so nuclear war does not break out. The problem is that the Butler Group are moving to start two NATO fronted wars before the November elections to defeat Putin and Trump.

“I know Putin very well. I got along with him very well. He respected me and it’s just one of those things,” the former president said.

Trump claimed he had established a rapport with Putin despite the ‘Russiagate’ attack on his administration, which he said had been launched by his then-Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, and a group of “shifty people.”

‘Stupid’ Biden threats caused Ukraine conflict – Trump

“I hope to get along well with him again. You know, getting along well with them is a good thing, not a bad thing,”

The date that comes up in inquiry is a week from today.
