Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tim Walz is no Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is no Barack Obama

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reason that Donald Trump told Kamala Harris, "THANK YOU" for choosing the radical liberal coward of Minnesota in Tim Walz, and it is beyond the anti semitism against Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania who is the person Harris should have picked, if democrats were not such Jew haters. The reason lies in something found on liberal MSNBC which sounds odd, but their political forecaster hit it on the head, while Karl Rove was moving momentum propaganda up Big Mammy's ass in his appearance.

It has to do with Stearns County Minnesota and the numbers which Tim Walz put up there, the numbers that Joe Biden put up there, and the numbers Birther Hussein put up there. Obama lost record counties in America in his election thefts from Romney and McCain, but Obama held his own in the Stearn's County group which is vital to democrats as these are the counties that keep it close so elections can be rigged by democrats.

These counties  are all over Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. YES Biden won by mail fraud in these states and lost these counties like Stearns, but you have to remember something huge in this. It will be evident in the map below in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin are RED STATES, just like most of America is Right Wing. Those states are also WHITE WING in the reason Biden could pull off his election fraud was because HE WAS WHITE. Kamala Harris is a Hindu and the political reality is people hated Donald Trump, but they have found under Biden Harris something they hate more, and that is Kamala Harris.

“When you look at what Tim Walz actually pulled off to get elected, to get re-elected in 2022, it’s the Biden model, demographically, regionally,” Kornacki told host Ana Cabrera. “You go county by county, there’s not much variance between how Walz did and how Biden did. Walz ran up huge numbers, look at this, this is the biggest county in the state, Hennepin County, Minneapolis here. Walz ran up huge numbers, Biden ran up huge numbers.”

“Now go into greater Minnesota, let’s take a look at, like, Stearns County here. Look, Walz lost this by 23 points. What did Biden lose it by? 23 points. And this is the kind of county, by the way, in Minnesota and across the Midwest here, that Democrats are hoping Walz will help them with,” Kornacki continued. “Look, let’s go back in time here. Once upon a time, just a dozen years ago, Democrats weren’t winning a county like this, but look, Barack Obama was able to get 43% of the vote here, basically run just over 10 points behind Mitt Romney. Obama was able to do that in a county like Stearns, and he was able to do that in counties like this all over the Midwest: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania.”

I doubt like hell that Eric Holder who chose Tim Walz thought this White Priv could help dupe Midwesterners into voting for him, as Walz's numbers are all shit. Tim Walz is not a Joe Biden. He is not a leader at all in that national scope and is joined at the hip with Big Mammy. Kamala Harris has zero appeal to voters as the illusion of Barack  Hussein Obama had. Obama exercised the reality that people were not racists. Apparently liberals still hate Jews, and they hate Afroids, but Obama was their "get out of racism" card and they are not going to play that card again  with Donald Trump.

If you look at the blue zones below for Biden Harris, what you have is the American Ghetto. You got the Golden Ghetto of the rich Jews and their bankers, and you got the Colour Ghetto or Red Indians, Tan Mexicans and Black Afroids. These are people either in their Ivory Towers keeping the Niggers out or the Niggers ringed in by cops shooting them trying to get out. These are captive peoples of vote fraud and graft.

Just as Obama needed to close in 10 points to Romney to steal an election, Donald Trump has to close in on Kamala Harris in these ghetto regions, and you can ignore all this bullshit polling as Donald Trump is polling well in the strongholds of the Kamala Ghetto. Tim Walz will not help one iota as Joe Biden did in these Sterns County votes and Kamala Harris will not help one wit in these ghettos.

I do not believe that even with 13% of these invaders voting for Biden and this other nonsense that they will be able to throw this for Harris. It will be tried, but Harris has made a worse blunder than Donald Trump in his JD Vance pick. Vance had zero electoral appeal, but when the information came out about Trump Coin in how they are going to handle this Biden depression with crypto, then Vance is the perso to pick for an economic restoration  Tim Walz brings nothing to the Jew money and Mexican cartels which Harris is backed by.'

The Lame Cherry believes that the liberal malaise, the erosion of support for Harris Walz, the wars and economic realities hitting, that by November, you are going to see pink counties go red and a number of blue counties go pink.

The stark fact is that Tim Walz is no Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is no Barack Obama. 

Biden smashes Obama’s record for lowest number of counties won by successful presidential candidate

Nuff Said
