Monday, August 5, 2024

The Silent Shooters of Butler

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Someone shared with me another video by John Cullen who has been involved in some impressive work with the Trump attempted assassination.  This video deals with acoustics in distances and the number of shots fired, with subsonic ammunition with suppressors which were recorded.

I'm not doing a caveat in I do not agree with everything Mr. Cullen is stating to challenge it as wrong, as what is important is he has definitively proven there were more than one shooter. That is all that is necessary in this, that this was a coordinated attack upon Donald Trump and not a lone gunman.

What I seek to do is provide different perspective. Mr. Cullen views that several shooters were aiming at the Secret Service Snipers and they do appear hit. I do not agree that the shooters were intended to kill the 4 snipers. They wear body armour. From the placement of the shots, they were body shots. These shooters were hitting what they were aiming at, not missing due to a 12 mph wind. They could have connected in head shots. That was not their purpose. You can witness the north barn snipers back up in being hit, and redirect away from the Crooks position to the trees.

I do not now the subsonic round, but Mr  Cullen spoke of a 300 round at 200 grains, moving at subsonic speeds to quiet sound. This fits the SS Snipers looking like they are being punched as these bullets hit with several hundred foot pounds of energy, which is like being punched or kicked by a steer. It does hurt and it gets your attention.

My conclusion is the shooters were to occupy the SS Sniper to allow the shooter in the Crooks position to fulfill his purpose in this scenario.

When the news reports stated a Chinese was killed several hundred yards away from the Trump position according to the New York Post, I did not discount this. I looked and there was a steeple and roof top which were in back of the Crooks position. This has been dismissed by Mr. Cullen for other locations and Venezuelan shooters. I do not discount accounts to fit a narrative. I accept what the narratives are and fill the picture to a more complete picture.

Mr. Cullen has shown in the screen shot below that a shooter was firing directly below where the Crooks position was. He states that Crooks never fired a round by acoustic evidence. What I focus on is a reality, that Mr. Crooks not firing a round, there are then 8 casings on that roof in two piles. Forensics are important in real world and not FBI Warren Reports. Those primers would have to match the AR 15 which Crooks had, if they do not, then there is a major problem as the fingerprints of the gun are off.

The conclusion is that the shooter was government security and he picked up his casings, cut his hand severely, on glass, and not on the roof. He fired 8 rounds from this window location and 8 rounds were on the roof. This means pre appointed coordination of the number of shots fired.

We have all seen the photo of Crooks dead on the roof with 3 officers standing over him. If Crooks did not fire, then those 3 officers had to be involved in planting evidence on that roof in the casings. The Lame Cherry is, interested in Crooks was marked at the rifle range in practice the day before. Where this information arose we do not know, but in order for those empty cases to match Crooks gun, someone had to be at that range or close to Crooks to obtain 8 casings to plant on the roof.
It has to be the 3 officers involved in this as they were on the roof immediately. One of them had to be with Crooks or one of them was given the spent casings to plant on the roof.

That has to be the issue if Mr. Cullen's assessment is correct in Crooks not firing a round.

It would be easier if the Trump speech was the firing point, in the silenced weapons began firing to back up the Secret Service Snipers and occupy them long enough for Crooks to fire, and then to allow the Snipers to roll into position and silence the hero, Thomas Crooks.

There is a published photo of a federal officer inside the Crooks building. No one seems to know who this individual is. Senator Grassley published the list of officials logged into this building and he did that with a purpose as someone must be telling him what we all now in how hinky all of this is.

Mr. Cullen focuses only on the north face of this location. Again, witness reports were of a shooter on a home roof. There are no homes north, east or west. There are homes south where the South SS Snipers were. That roof could have fired to distract the South position.

There is the fine video Mr. Cullen produced showing the left bleachers and a shot moving from right to left with a poof on a derrick, and people looking into the camera, away from the Trump location. That is not the angle from the north, but from the west and southwest.  The number of shooters would stand at 5 to 7 in taking into account all venues.

As a witness spoke of a shooter on the water tower, I would not discount that, but I simply have not witnessed any video evidence of people reacting to the water tower, even if this is an acoustic distance location.

What is of importance in this is that there is evidence which proves multiple shooters.

As Dallas 1963 proved with the implementation of the Conspiracy Cloud for cover to pump in so much information that the public is overloaded and they call everything crazy, that appears in this Butler venue. I try not to theorize, when a video appears to show Crooks running on the roof before the shot in sight of the SS Snipers, which is opposite of his later crawling on the roof. I do not know if Crooks was shot on the roof or that was someone else. I only conclude that Crooks was eliminated one way or the other for the story we are being presented.

In the Lame Cherry assessment, the shooters all hit what they were aiming at.There were not misses.

Just consider the reality if Donald Trump had not turned his head. He would be dead. The RNC would have been in chaos as JD Vance was the Vice Presiential pick, headed by what seasoned politician? This would have reinstalled Joe Biden or as Obama intended Senator Moon Beam. BUT would any of us really be paying attention as gun owning Trump supporters would not be who would be the bone the dog would be thrown as behind this? Certainly not this regime or it's security people, so that would leave a Chinese on a roof and maybe other hired MERCs, to fan that Obama shift to a Pacific war with China.

When JFK was shot, that was about Tel Aviv nuclear bombs and the end of Kennedy currency challenging the Fed. with that Bay of Pigs CIA humiliation. Donald Trump was a means to a number of ends. Crackdowns on Americans again, wars with Iran, wars with China, wars with Venezuela.

As with JFK, RFK, Ronald Reagan, we are only going to know enough of what happened to distrust the system and know that something was coordinated from the inside.

Nuff Said
