Friday, August 23, 2024

The Skypox of Schwabageddon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Apparently the global elites have become oracles of doom in the next 60 days.

From Canada, that piss ant son of Fidel Castro is telling Canadians they are going to die from a new virus worse than COVID........COVID is not a virus,but this dense bastard would not know that, by evidence of this stupid statement.

Thing is this virus is unique in it is going to attack the food supply, attack banking services and has a thirst for gasoline.

I don't quite get why viruses never attack politicians or IRS forms.

Earlier this week, WEF Young Global Leader Justin Trudeau warned Canadians to expect a new virus “worse than Covid” that will somehow cut off their access to the food supply, banking services, and gasoline.

At least you know what you should need in food, some money and gas.

Meanwhile,  the dying Klaus Schwab has got his second wind on his 9 lives. Not to be outdone by the shrub of Canada, the Jewish Schwab of pawn shop broker ancestry, has a virus that is not after people, gasoline, money, the Schwab nemesis is computers. The Schwab virus is a thinking virus, it is intentional, not by accident.

Yes multiple major wars. I was wondering how many world wars make up allot of major wars in the Schwab wet dream. Just know that in Schwabageddon there is going to arise a new master race of terrorists, who somehow not like the rest of us without gas, food and money, are going to attack us with something worse than Schwabageddon.

This is all due to shitty global leadership..........Klaus Schwab and WEF being the exception of course.

Next up is an internet take down, that I did not know was a take down before, but was, so it is a kind of I didn't know it was a take down.

Lastly, there is going to be fast tracked climate change disasters.  I do not know what is the difference between fast and slow disasters,  but old Klaus sounds like he is plagiarizing the Fatima kids with that demonic queen of heaven, as there is going to be......Wait a second  I need to quote Schwab............yes this is before the 2024 elections, so set your clocks a ticking to November.

In a dystopian article, the WEF warns that citizens heading to the polls in November should be expecting “destabilizing events” including a “cyber pandemic – which is intentional,” the emergence of a “new global extremist group,” and fast-tracked climate change disasters including a sudden sea-level rise that will submerge an island nation.

So some island nation is going to submerge from a sudden sea level rise. I can only hope it is England as I kind of like Japan as it is kind of radioative now. Island nations kind of are not that many and who would care if Taiwan, Madagascar, that Tea Island sunk. Actually it might be a good thing in if Taiwan was gone, I would have my revenge on a shitty cell phone the BBB would not deal with as I ran into a Goddamn Mexican handling my mail and you can't trust Goddamn Mexicans in the United States.

Anyway, Klaus Schwab says England is dead which will probably being world peace, but that is the future which we can all bank on in Schwabageddon is coming.

Nuff Said
