Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Wolf in Foliage Print Skin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I mentioned to TL a headline that Dr. Naomi Wolf had been booted off Twitter. TL asked who this was.......I said I had no idea, but had heard the name.

I looked her up and Naomi is a big gal, Mae West buxom to be exact, lotta woman there and a punch from her would hurt, probably just sting a muscular gender like Big Mike though.

I was reading what got the Doc marooned and it seems that she has collected some interesting voyeurs in some got her banned, some slowed her things down with trojans (that is spyware not condoms) and she had other problems you can read about as she wrote on her last platform at subtack. She had like 4000 paid hostages subscribing to her. I don't think even with donations like that I would be wearing foliage print blouses.

It was what the Doc was talking about though in coups against Biden and Biden crimes. I mean that stuff is not that big of deal as everyone knows this stuff. Is not like she is going to stop a coup or other things by what she is saying.

You will really like what the Lame Cherry is posting tomorrow as that is the kind of stuff that gets a popular response in life expiration tags as has been my joy the past weeks.

Enough of my read the Doc and meet you on the other side.

Two days ago, I appeared on the “Alex Jones Show”. I explained to Mr Jones that to me it looked as if there were at least two coups underway at the White House — possibly three. Clearly the Harris team had taken out of play the Biden team, and now, with a bizarre interview in which Nancy Pelosi was distancing herself from President Biden, it appeared that the Schumer/Pelosi/Obama team was distancing themselves from and gunning (metaphorically) for the Biden and Harris teams.

I did not think that Mrs. Enhoff had that big of horse in this, but the more I see things saddling up, that Walz is no wall flower either. I have not inquired, but it is about 50 50 that Big Mike will get the nomination as there has not been a poll dropping revolt being published to move this along.

What seems most likely in the next weeks when the Red Heifer War goes boom, that the Mockingbird will be like, "We need a Kamala's hand on the nuke switch as Biden's shakes too much. It will then follow the Biden re election bid of HIMARS blowing up Moscow and Mrs. Enhoff declared victor over Trump and Putin. Do not neglect that Trump get's his orange jump suit next month. That is designed to shave 25 points off Donald's pubic poll hairs.

The Doc said none of this stuff.  So I do not see the point of anyone in her cell phone nethers as she is saying the same stuff which logical deduction has posted. She has not even mentioned the Chinese being in on Butler.

She kind of looks like Jessica Hahn.

Besides that Jim and Tammy Fae Baker observation, I would add caution to all of you to not write things like below, which I will highlight in the verboten part.

– was to send a retainer — yet another retainer — to my attorney who is already suing X on my behalf (I am a fellow plaintiff with President Trump). I also need to engage cybersecurity specialists yet again to un—-k my electronics, and probably book a session with my PTSD therapist.

You do not ever  in this age of sous chef waterboarding accidents joke about girl depression as it gets you on lists to deny you guns and it gets some people swinging by hemp necklaces in their garages even though they warn everyone they are not suicidal.\

I do not know what chiggars got pissed off at the foliage print as it kind of looks zebra vegan or those trilobites fossils. Here for the non fossil collector ignorant.

See the print looks all dinosaur and fern like Land of the Lost.

But it did ring some bells.

Anyway, maybe the Doc will now appear on Jeff Rense program as has a time getting guests with that Adolf Admiration and people kind of shy away from that stuff now but you know he has been posting Walz semen sipping recipes and the Nordics appear to have kind of a limited use on a Trump cash card now which I can understand as a girl has to pay the bills, as well I know, but no one is adopting me, leaving me ranches or the kind of money that Alex Jones spends on saying the Sandy Hookers were prostitutes alive and well. 

Anyway that is about all the mileage I can get out of foliage print stuff and that the fringe has been chattering about this stuff way beyond far point for some time.

4000 people donating. I never knew foliage print had that kind of following.

Nuff Said

Wild Thing (With Jessica Hahn,Aerosmith,Bon Jovi,Slash ... - YouTube

Jan 9, 2011 ... Sam Kinison - Wild Thing (With Jessica Hahn,Aerosmith,Bon Jovi,Slash,Ratt,Billy Idol,Etc).mpg. 10K views · 13 years ago ...more ...
