Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tools of the Trade


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The prepper experts are always talking about bartering of goods which will only cause trouble. The wonder is why information bartering is never thought of.

For example the tools of the trade would be vital for this vocation.

If electricity prevails, then an electric iron would be advisable. Some maternity calf pulling chains. A come along. An electric drill with appropriate bits. An electric nail gun. An electric livestock fencer.

Some of Hollywood origins would dream up some Tarantino scenarios of scalpels, sutures, tree branch trimmers, but the interesting part is the Germans who became refugees to South America, were most focused not on older world, fists and blood sports as they were messy, in the Hun deployed electric current and rubber hoses, which were clean transformations of information and not all this mess.

These glow worm preppers simply are ignorant to the necessities of the world to come. Information would be the sort of commodity which will be of equal importance as water, shelter and food.

It is just something to ponder in this private conversation not available to the public.

Nuff Said
