Friday, August 16, 2024

Tulsi for the Win


Stop crying you Hindu bitch, I'm you're Samoan nightmare.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

America owes Tulsi Gabbard a huge debt in she has gone above and beyond the patriot call to duty in volunteering for one of thee most important jobs in the Trump campaign, and that is preparation in his debate to Big Mammy Kamala.

Gabbard drew blood and cut Harris off at the knees when  they met in a democratic debate. Harris has shown a proclivity for cheap shots which is all her vagina squad is aroused by. Harris has a limited range of saying the same things and not saying them well. Harris prep is like a bad Stephen Colbert routine with no one there to respond.

They include: “She’s a woman, at a moment when Mr. Trump is for a second time facing a woman as his general election rival; she’s a former House member, giving her policy experience; and, perhaps most importantly for Mr. Trump, she has been on a debate stage with Ms. Harris and delivered a stinging attack against her record as a prosecutor.”

Gabbard had some stand-out moments against Harris when the two shared the Democratic presidential primary debate stage during the 2020 election cycle.

I really hope that Donald Trump is not an asshole like George W. Bush who used Zell Miller of Georgia to become President and then forgot the debt. I still hope that Donald Trump appoints this fine American as Secretary of Defense. She is a veteran and has an international business administration degree.
