Monday, September 2, 2024

Crooks South Side


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In this review of data, we are going to examine where Tom Crooks was 90 minutes before the attempted assassination, murder and multiple assaults upon people at the Trump event. The W below is where Crooks is WALKING among the vendors,and is moving North, so what you are looking at in thee above photo of him walking into the camera, is opposite of below and you are looking behind him.

That is what the Lame Cherry is focusing on, in what is in the South as NO ONE save this blog has ever examined what is south of where Donald Trump is.

We had a report of a shooter on a house roof down there. A news video of shooting on that day, had the camerman swinging to trees in the southeast.

In the John Cullen 2nd shooter video, the shot into the left bleachers is moving along the back bleacher line, meaning it came from the southwest.

So the question in this, is, what is down south and why is no one looking there for shots.

Fortunately the Pennsylvania law enforcement in trying to protect themselves released a schematic of where everyone was that day. This is extremely important as it is exact information and appeared before the Tom Crooks walking down the West Vendor lane 30 minutes before he appeared again on the grass in front of where he was said to have fired from.

To set this up, we know exactly that Tom Crooks was spotted 90 minutes before this by PA SWAT by the glass company. 90 minutes. He is seen 30 minutes after the vendor recording there again. That leaves 60 minutes, meaning if it took 30 minutes to walk this half mile..........that leaves 30 minutes and now the question emerges in what was he doing for 30 minutes  in the south location in this blank time?

It has puzzled me in being baked by the sun this summer in short duration, how Crooks with white legs, was out in the sun for 6 hours that day, and is white as a ghost yet. There is only one answer in this, and that is when Tom Crooks was disappearing on that day, he had to be out of the sun and in some kind of air conditioning.

Enter the police diagram as we meet on the other side.

So what is on the south side?  Law enforcement headquarters.

Washington County Sniper anchors
HSI Officer
Bearcat Travel to Scene
Butler Hazmat
Butler ESU
Butler Co Command Post
Butler ESU QRF

If shots came from this area, they came from the entire command post behind the crowd control fence to the South.

It is doubtful due to the numerous law enforcement on this curved Lakeshide Road adjoining Brady Paul Lane that Crooks was walking back there unobserved. It would not do any good to approach on Lakeside to assess the SS Sniper positions.

This is where he was though and with only a 15 minute window to move 15 minutes in and 15 minutes back out before he was recorded returning North.

My working theory has not changed in Crooks was part of disrupt operation where he thought he was going to stampede the crowd by shooting over it. Yes with the same inside protection as Obama rioters in ANTIFA enjoyed and he was on the southwest side, knowing this was the exit, and where he was going to pedal his bike to,when the stampeded crowds mulled around to detonate his devices and have the trample each other again.

I suspect he was going to ditch the rifle, pedal his bike on the Evans City Road where he was seen before at the front of the glass works, and come down the vendor road, place the devices and pedal off again and detonate them.

He fired his rounds, popped his head up expecting to see a stampede and got shot instead by snipers placed there to eliminate a patsy. He expected to live and cause more mayhem in getting off that roof.

I do not believe he was aware there was a second and third layer of teams intent on other destruction, using him as Lee Oswald cover.

The Evans City Road is where he crossed several times at the chain link fence intersection. It is the only choke point which connects the two positive locations. He enters and exits the same tree line which the cops closed in on this location after Crooks gained the roof.

Nuff Said

