Monday, September 23, 2024

The Men In Grey Suits

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the following video a number of questions arise from Butler PA mass shooting. In this segment the examination is of the Men in Grey Suits, because a man in a gray suit, was on the roof of the shooter building, after cops told everyone to clear out. He never identified himself, but told local law enforcement to send the photos to a cell phone which linked to the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

According to Wiki, the ATF does not have any field offices in Butler PA, and it was not like an agent was just driving by Butler when this took place. It is also a fact that the explosive devices had just been discovered, or the dogs had not yet tracked the scent of Max ANTFIA Yearick off the shooter building to his white van with Arizona plates parked nearby, nor had the FBI already visited the home of Crooks parents where another device was located.

So the question in this is, who was doing field work for ATF, when they have no jurisdiction, and no bombs had yet been discovered to bring them into this loop?

There are two photos of Men in Grey Suits. They are both big fish, in who they are associating with are Pennsylvania SWAT or in the last photo, there is a really interesting sequence which appears.

In the photo below if you watch the video closely, the Men in Grey Suits is standing in front of a Jeep with an open door. The gender in front of him is bending over. It looks like he is dusting off the slacks of this Men in Grey Suits. To the left you can observe a yellow fireman suit and hat which is probably who this bending over guy is.

Now what kind of power is on display here that a PA EMT is by command dusting off the slacks of a Men in Grey Suits like a servant.

These Grey Suits appear to be feds as they all have shades on and everyone is bending over them without question.

I doubt like hell we are ever going to get 1/10th of this from Congress as the only information coming out is from non governmental sources to even show you the videos or give any additional information on things we have head in passing and now have disappeared.

Nuff Said
