Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Trump Babushkin

Kremlin: Listen to Trump, he's right about WWIII


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across a very Russian post on the relationship between America and Russia which is as Winston Churchill stated in all things Russian in a riddle, a mystery and an enigma. Just as ton 9 11 the Russians were talking about things the West had no idea of in the population, the Trump assassination attempt brought out a rather, in need of translation, comment and it is vital to understand this comment as it explains a great deal.

What this starts out with Trump's man in Moscow, a Nationalist who was in charge of the Congress. The bet under Boris Yeltsin who led Russia was Bush41 was going to win. Instead the election was rigged for Bill Clinton.

This is where this begins in how Donald Trump will make peace with Russia when he is installed and what Russia is banking on.

Moscow can very well understand Donald Trump's 'world war three is coming' remarks

Kremlin: Listen to Trump, he's right about WWIII

Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned of a possible outbreak of World War III.

According to the US presidential candidate, the offensive of the Ukrainian troops is in fact another sign indicating that World War III is closer than ever.

"Look at what's happening in Ukraine. They're surging into Russia. You're going to have World War 3,” he said a few hours after attending a memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery.

Commenting on Trump's speech, the Kremlin said that Moscow could understand his words.

"Such forays as in the Kursk region are, of course, acts that escalate tensions to the limit. Therefore, there is reason for concern, and in this case, such alarmist statements can be treated with understanding," Kremlin's official spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

US believes that Trump will try to end the conflict in Ukraine

Co-chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight Jamie Raskin said earlier that Trump, if he wins the US presidential election, will try to end the conflict in Ukraine. In his opinion, Donald Trump is capable of ending the hostilities, even if it means making concessions to Russia.

Trump has criticized the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conflict with Russia before. He said that the Russian military could fight well in winter conditions.

"Russia's a great winter fighter,” Trump said. "They beat Germany and they beat Napoleon. They're not easy to beat. And they are a massive military, and Ukraine isn't. But Ukraine has us giving them a lot of money.”

The Trump man in Moscow was Vengerovsky. He was a most powerful man in setting up Russian alliances with Pakistan and Iran, moving int the Caucasus fray. Each American from Nixon onward had a man in Moscow. After you read this jumble riddle, you will not that Trump's guy got shot by Jews in Moscow, ending Trump's Nationalist contact.

28.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Former US President Donald Trump has to negotiate with the deep state for his political and physical survival, philosopher, political scientist, leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on July 6 on the Right to Know program on the TVC channel.

“Either he will negotiate with the deep state and he will be allowed into the political arena. But then he will give as much commitments as possible. Or he will be assassinated,” the political analyst said.

He added that he had been following Trump’s activities since the 1990s, while observing the formation of Zhirinovsky’s Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Back then, Zhirinovsky, for whom Kurginyan had great sympathy, and Vengerovsky competed with each other, but such competition ended sadly for the latter. At that time, Vengerovsky had built strong ties with Trump.

Kurginyan described Trump as a remarkable person and a representative of the concept of Zionist occupation government.

Trump was a successful real estate and construction businessman, who was later bankrupted and bought by Reichman’s conservative circles. Now, according to political analysts, the fate of the US presidential candidate depends on the ability to sort out the complexity of his commitments and the scale of concessions.

“It takes almost nothing to kill him. In the USA, they start to do it when the situation with negotiations becomes fundamentally impossible. Robert Kennedy traveled to the Soviet Union after his brother’s death. How exactly and what he begged Khrushchev for… this is an untransparent intelligence services affair,” the political scientist added. Kurginyan explained that the Kennedy-Khrushchev link existed, and there was also a Brezhnev-Nixon bridge with the participation of the Richard Nixon Foundation.

The political analyst suggested that if Trump gets tangled in such complex equations and connections of individual groups, he will lose.

Kruginyan further recalled the situation when in November 1992 Yeltsin had to cede power to Yury Skokov, the very first Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, because there was a bet on George Bush winning the US presidential election. However, Bill Clinton won.

“The Chernomyrdin-Gore commission emerged. There is a ‘great chessboard’, there is a space in which all this is happening. And there assassinations … arise from a mutual misunderstanding,” Kurginyan concluded.

One has to know that Bush41 looted Russia after the Soviet Union collapsed. Boris Yeltsin was their guy, and after the Jew Coup, a group arose, and it was headed by Vice President Al Gore.

February 13th 1996: Alexander Vengerovsky, aide to President Sergey Baburin, shot in Moscow. The shooting is blamed immediately on "Jewish interests"

This crooked commission run by Al Gore and their oligarchs were championing Russian natural gas export. a Russian national gasolilne company, and it was run out of Harvard University. This was a Gore looting of Russia for their faction. The people who Gore chose were the Stalin gang members from the gulags who formed the Oligarch Syndicate in Russia and Ukraine.

Trump lost his contact, but via Jared Kushner, Trump was being evolved to the Jewish Mafia Oligarchs moving into New York City. Remember that the Russian communists still in intelligence power were telling American they had a pet Nigger they were going to install as President. That was Barack Hussein Obama.

Gore–Chernomyrdin Commission

In the early 1990s, the United States government gave responsibility to the Harvard Institute for International Development to help the Russian government transition from a public economy to a private economy. The Harvard Project was led by Andrei Shleifer and Jonathon HaysAnatoly Chubais, a Russian economist, politician, and businessman represented Russia in privatization effort. This group of individuals had a great deal of power and influence over the privatization process. As part of their privatization strategy, Chubais, Shleifer, and Hays (along with several others) used their insider access to different types of information to limit that information to their private network, enriching themselves and many others in the process (see Russian oligarchs). One of the committees on which the members of this small group sat was the Gore–Chernomyrdin Commission, which Janine Wedel describes as follows

"Members of the intertwined Chubais–Harvard network appointed each other to visible binational posts in economic, energy, and high tech areas. They arranged for each other to be well represented on the high-level Gore–Chernomyrdin Commission ... which helped to facilitate cooperation on U.S.–Russian oil deals and the Mir Space Station, among other issues

It would be Vladimir Putin of the KGB who would run a counter coup and throw out the Rothschild group looting Russia and the Bush Gore cabal. This would gain the ire of the cartel and start off all these coups against Putin, from Chechnya to Ukraine to Syria. This sheds light on what is taking place and how Mr. Putin is solidifying power to oust more of the oligarchs, after the big move against the Wagner Maestro.

This Nationalist group backs Vladimir Putin and Putin's Greater Czar Orthodox Russia is moving forward and in more concentrated power now, implementing the Vengerovsky doctrines which were in what Donald Trump was allied with.

It seems that the old policy is being revived again, for in June 1995 the Speaker of the Majlis (parliament) told the visiting deputy chairman of the Duma, Alexander Vengerovsky, that the `two strategic states of Iran and Russia’ can limit the expansion of US hegemony in the region.8 This time round, however, Russia could be hoping to use the Iranian card for access to the Persian Gulf and for curbing the possibility of anti-Russian action from extremist forces not only in Iran but also in Central Asia and the Caucasus

So when the Russians stated that Trump had to balance his factions by making amends after the failed assassination attempt, you saw Peter Thiel appear, you saw JD Vance appear, you have not seen overt contact of Russians, but you have seen Trump bow at the but for Tel Aviv and the Obama Shift to fight China in a coming war which is what the Pentagon lusts for.

Donald Trump has come to terms with the people who tried to blow his head off. He has threatened Facebook Jew Zuckerberg with life in prison if he tampers with the election again. That is the NSA funded internet, which was NSA connected to the Crooks family in PA, and Trump is putting the bulge on this powerful group as he appears to have his adversaries appeased and will now back him.

In that, there was not any accident that the flunkies of Bush, McCain and Romney were raising hell in a letter supporting Kabala Harris. They were upset that Rubio was not chosen, and are a part of this order that shot at Trump to keep their faction in control of this Eurasian and American situation.

The Russians are telling you what is going on, but Americans have no idea what the hell they are talking about, because we are not told by the fringe state any of these details I have highlighted above in what is going on for Russian wealth.


This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
