Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Trump Trifecta


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Seriously, Donald Trump had a blessed debate...........or a verbal trouncing of Kabala Harris. It was priceless when Trump told Harris that Biden hated her, and burned her with her I"M TALKING LINE before she could say it.

Then there is our wonderful Dictator, Joe Biden, giving the FU to Obama and Harris by putting on a Trump cap and doing the old kind of Biden fun he used to be capable of.

Then there is this Trump patriot running through a FOX fake weathercast about a hurricane, carrying a Trump flag.

This weatherchan turd turned Fox should probably start preparing his radioactive suit for when he is assigned to do the weather in Ukraine from Chernhobyl. It was the camera person who panned the guy, bringing it to the viewers attention. That guy will probably get a job at the White House filming First Lady Melania in her new Bikini Series, Rose Garden Gardening.

See, Trump is having fun. Biden is having fun. Americans are having fun. That is the way campaigns are supposed to be.

Always works out that way when Kamala has a bad day. The FBI is having a bad day covering up the Butler violence and Obama is having a perpetual bad legacy day.

Nuff Said
