Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thee Encrypted Crooks


Would not a SWAT sniper remove all the screens out of windows he 
may have to shoot out of?

Thomas Matthew Crooks’ encrypted messaging accounts, but he did reveal that they discovered the accounts were based on platforms in Belgium, Germany, and New Zealand, which the congressman described as strange, The New York Post reported. Encrypted messaging apps allow for text messages to be sent through an encrypted code that can only be deciphered by the recipient’s device.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I begin this with another illustration of experience, in I was listening one day while building things to an experience related to me by the son of a man who worked in OSS in World War II, and was stationed later in Africa, and in this instance, took his boys along when the CIA had him working in South America.

The son was quite delighted as he was taken along to work. Work involved breaking into Venezuelan oil and gathering intelligence. Later the son was invited to go on a trip with his new friends. The father said, "Your new friends are communists, are taking you into the mountains to kidnap you, to hold you hostage and you are not going".

The son did not seem to quite comprehend that what was going on was quite dangerous and he was cover for intelligence operations, and that communists had just tried to kidnap him as he was focused on what great fun it was to be with his dad.

The father "died" at a rather young age. I never did look to see if he had a star on the CIA wall of heroes, as I suspect he was assassinated by the Soviets.

In any extreme, when I read of Tom Crooks 3 foreign encrypted accounts and Ed Snowden as a contractor with the NSA trying to crack encryptions, I'm like, "If the NSA and FBI want to waste time fucking around cracking codes, while the CIA is buying the business to get access or is stealing the keys, then go ahead and fuck around, as the CIA has the keys and if they do not have the keys then MI6 London does as they set up the fucking platforms to get their cut on European black market funds".

Whenever I see Netherlands, Germany or New Zealand, that is MI6 and CIA connected. They own the rolls, and it is the FBI and these other prick lower law enforcement who spoof phones for keys or use warrants to get at servers where this data is housed.

Meet you on the other side after you do some Bogino Mosaad deceptions that this was Iran in Butler PA and whatever else.

Tom Crooks who was he working with.

Judicial and law enforcement authorities in the Netherlands and Germany have dealt another blow to the use of encrypted communications by criminal networks. Eurojust and Europol have supported the dismantling of the Exclu application, which had an estimated 3 000 users, including members of organised crime groups (OCGs).

During an action day last week, 45 arrests took place in the Netherlands and Belgium. The arrested persons included users of the application, but also administrators and owners of the Exclu service. Furthermore, 79 locations were searched in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Following this operation, the service is no longer available for users.

* In 2020, Erik Van De Sandt, a member of the Dutch National High-Tech Crime Unit, told students at Cambridge University that the central weakness of private networks was that their encryption protocols were developed in secret, often by cryptographers who were not as good as their promises. “You have to look at the anthropology,” Van De Sandt told the students. Because encrypted-service providers focus “on an exclusively criminal community,” he explained, “they apply confidentiality over their own business process. . . . You can never really test that security until it’s too late.” He continued, “That’s a real problem for all criminals. . . . You end up with a really bad product because there’s no transparency. Lucky us!”

As the Lame Cherry reported, it was Iran which funded the Vegas shooting. They bought Eric Holders Mexican Mafia or a night. Iran does not get it's hands dirty in most cases and leaves no trails as they do not want to get nuked. As Iran stated, "We are hauling Donald Trump's ass to court on murder charges. We are not going to be taking shots at him as we want him in prison to suffer".

So in the published facts of how things are done in Butler, I will give you where I think like the JFK assassination this is trailing too, because someone blaming Iran is someone who has dirty fingers. 

*Instead, someone with knowledge of the investigation told me, analysts seem to have launched a “protocol attack” that deceived handsets into revealing their private keys.

*The F.B.I. and the Australian Federal Police didn’t need to decrypt an0m messages. By design, every text sent on the network was blind-copied to a server in Europe and read by police investigators in America.

So we know that the NSA has data mining across the globe everywhere. Where Crooks was using servers are some of the main hubs. That is why these servers are allowed, because it is easier to gain the data than in Peking.

Meet you on the other side.

What Are the 5, 9, and 14 Eyes Countries? - Privacy Affairs

Jan 17, 2024 ... The United Kingdom; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; The Netherlands; France; Denmark; Norway; Belgium; Italy; Germany; Spain; Sweden. You' ...

The Swiss firm made millions of dollars selling equipment to more than 120 countries well into the 21st century. Its clients included Iran, military juntas in Latin America, nuclear rivals India and Pakistan, and even the Vatican.

But what none of its customers ever knew was that Crypto AG was secretly owned by the CIA in a highly classified partnership with West German intelligence. These spy agencies rigged the company’s devices so they could easily break the codes that countries used to send encrypted messages.

What is being run is a hybrid PROMIS software which the CIA and Mosaad stole. It simply data mines all data and sorts it. Why though the FBI is holding back information is best understood in a hypothetical back engineering of this.

OK so there were people who did not want Donald Trump in office in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. They produced Russiagate. They produced Jan6 to intimidate Trump voters as much as the Obama riots.

They then kangaroo court'd Trump on charges which would not stick.

None of this was working, so they opted for a head shot in Butler.

While you look at this from one information vantage point, there are people who are sifting all of this knowing the big board in the Obama shift to China, Ukraine against Russia, US elections, market control, Greater Tel Avvi, Wuhan bioweapons etc....

So they look at this, and know a group in a dynasty in Texas with intel connections and an international Birther want to keep control, and the way to do this is to get rid of the orange guy. So they see the SS is leaving a venue open to provide and opportunity, they get wind that the FBI has some kid on the string again, and they start moving pieces into place, because all of these operations are mutual interest.

This kid is in Chinatown DC by FBI offices. He is an asset extension, and it is to blackmail China which is not ready for a nuclear war and get the to sabotage Russia.

As this can not be run out of the West as no one keeps their mouth shut, this runs out of Tel Aviv again, with the criminal funding links coming out of Kiev. It is why a Ukrainian official stated from the beginning, "Mr. T, you do know that Kiev wants you eliminated right?"

So this feeds into the encrypted bases. The Netherlands has huge military drone contracts in Ukraine which needs to be protected.

Somewhere in this Crooks thinks he is going to be an ANTIFA hero disrupter and has full backing like George Floyd in that money laundering operation in the Twin Cities and he was told he was protected for a spoof operation of firing over a crowd, stampedes and personal bomb devices to scare people some more.

His Chinese tag along fires at the target, misses, and all sorts of things go wrong as more guns are sent in to really tie a can to the tail of the FBI who was monitoring on a low level a base operatoi connected to Crooks.

So like Dallas 1963, Watergate, Reagan Iran Contra, Russiagate, we have all this cover up going on in weird things taking place in allot of dirty little fingers leaving prints and all of us being lied to as we know they are lying in arrogance to save themselves and no one can touch this as this is all designed that if people talk a world war will probably start...........and Tel Aviv just wants Iran to get nuked  by America and maybe a limited nuke exchange which would benefit them.

So foreign regimes have Crooks messages. They know who did what and said what and who was behind this with their District of Crooks counterparts. This is what blackmail is about and what overthrown America is about.

Nuff Said

PS: While providing you this information I got a BLUE SCREEN in someone was sending a message that they did not appreciate this yellow brick road is appearing here for you to ponder. Non donors like existing in the darkness and will never figure any of this out on their own, because without this blog you are going to have nothing but the Tel Aviv propaganda misdirecting you.

OK people with money.........big donations as you waste enough money on bullshit to prop yourselves up.
