Monday, September 2, 2024



I smoke a blend of Kennedy and Hedge coin for that American taste.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry welcomes other liberal Democrat Progressives like Robert Kennedy II to join the Trump Vance movement and has a historical perspective for all of you to comprehend.

The Discern Report is worried about RFK on Climate Change, but remember these facts.

Donald Trump just opened aborticide into the RNC platform. Donald Trump abandoned MAGA. Donald Trump abandoned Jan6ers. Donald Trump put in the sex deviant plank at the RNC as his wife is with Pedo Pope and at homo fundraisers.

Except for open raping of our children there is NOTHING politicians can do anymore to us as moral Protestant Christians as America is Sodom and Gomorrah.

This is not a charge against Donald Trump, it is not a call for you to abandon your morals. It is REALITY that they can do no more harm in this group, compared to the OBAMIST International Socialists who just about have America erase and replaced.

This is not to say that Donald Trump is a savior. He is JEHU. He covenants with lucre for convenience, He is a Defense Intelligence man, and that is who JD Vance is, in the move to shove off national debt, and convert to Trump Coin for their hedge fund ledger control of the world.

Donald Trump is a Yankee capitalist, and short of selling Ivanka as an opium whore he will make a deal to sell out about anything to win the purpose he is being backed for.

Meet you on the other side, as I told you about the Politics of 1860 before.

According to Kennedy, there is no commitment to give Robert Kennedy a position in the Trump administration. They only talked about it in a general way.

RFK also reached out to Kamala Harris and Chase Oliver in the Libertarian party. He was willing to listen to Democrats about the Ukraine War, do something about children suffering from chronic disease, and end the hatred and vitriol.

All this being said, RFK makes me nervous, especially when it comes to his views on climate change, but uniting with liberals and independents might be our best chance. RFK Jr. makes a great deal of sense when he speaks about the incentives for government corruption that must be rooted out.

None of us agree with the skewed Kennedy liberalism or the apostate Libertarians, but in stating that, they can do no more harm than has been done. We are in a period of Abraham Lincoln in having to install Democrats, enlist Democrats and bring in an array of Crazy Nigger Lovers to Appathetic Appeasers to control this massive secession unleashed on America.

Senator Stephen Douglas was the rival of Abraham Lincoln, but this Democrat rallied to Lincoln in the national emergency, just as Robert Kennedy has. The focus of this is saving our children, breaking the financial woke monopoly raping our country and murdering it with bad vax to other repressive policies. The purpose is to unhook the police state as the weapon of the Obamists and give this time to settle out in a real nuclear war setting.

Most of the clap trap of trouble in America has been an inter war between these Bobby Kennedy, Edward Snowden, Scott Ritter, Gerald Celente liberals pitted against Hillary Clinton and Birther Obama globalists. Every blow up has been around this and the police state has gone into action. Same thing as 1860 in this is the Obama plantation against the Douglas Democrats.

We can all agree that our children must be protected. We must get rid of these criminals invading America. We must have an end to weaponizing of government against us, and we must have a restoration of free speech online where that speech can not be used in indictments against us.

Bobby Kennedy would be perfect for Attorney General. I await to see what other Democrats will join Donald Trump as the Blair family of Missouri joined Abraham Lincoln to elect him. If Donald Trump could get Rahm Emanuel to keep his word and not think this was some gotcha game, he would be prefect or Trump legislation and overhaul as Obama refused Emanuel's leadership. The same is for the Eric Holder targeted Governor Cuomo and Blagojevich. Cuomo as Chief of Staff pushing a Trump agenda would be a real hero to America in with Bobby Kennedy restoring what Democrats were. Rod Blagojevich would be a Godsend in human decency in a Cabinet position.

Abraham Lincoln ran in 1864 with Andrew Johnson, as Democrat from a swing state.  I do not condone Donald Trump, but knowing that no more harm can be done and a crackdown is coming from Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, I would rather have Donald Trump being influenced by Robert Kennedy for our children and ending the woke hedgers than no voice at all with the Obamist.

Lincoln was not elected ever as a Republican The Grand Old Party was what he ran on and in 1864 Lincoln ran on the UNION PARTY. So a Unity Party of heavy hitters is welcome as the last thing we need is what Trump ejaculated in 2016 in his frauds and the likes of Lindsey in the gay ear Graham in the Cabinet fucking things up deliberately the way John Bolton did in those Neocons. We have had enough Kaganites fucking things up for Joe Biden.

So that is the explanation for you to ponder. Trump is doing what Lincoln pulled together. Bobby Kennedy is a good man as long as he is working for you. He is a real bastard if he is against you, just like Cuomo would be.

Hell if Gavin Newsome would steal California for Donald Trump I would plead for Trump to appoint this bastard as Rare Earth Metal Czar as he sold out environmentalists for toxic metal processing in California.  Ronald Reagan had a load of sons of bitches, but he got the stick about to get assholes like Orin Hatch the liberal and Tip O'Neill the conservative democrat to work for America.

Donald Trump is going to have to get the stick about and be a good dictator. It is better he has Democrats around like the Kennedy's who could be real lying, cheating, criminals fuckheads pissing out of the tent than as Winston Churchill stated about pissing in the tent.

I believe we stand the best chance with shelf life Trump and President JD Vance with this Democratic entourage in putting off a nuclear war, America dragged into another world war, and Americans not being erased and police with an FBI explanation than with the Obamist International Socialists of Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim.

We have enough problems without nukes making America have hot zones.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
