Monday, September 23, 2024

What is wrong with thee Americon Right


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a Red State article, you know the group who took leftist Tim Russert's flipping of Reagan Blue Republican States and called them Red and these trolls all kept repeating it due to their CIA talking points, and there was this genius on there telling Leon Panetta to shut up, over the point this blog has made that when Tel Aviv has been manufacturing sleeper terror bombs or over a decade using the consumer market a cover for their wars.

During a CBS News interview, Panetta added:  

“I think it’s going to be very important for the nations of the world to have a serious discussion about whether or not this is an area that everybody has to focus on, because if they don’t try to deal with it now, mark my words, it is the battlefield of the future.” 

Battlefield of the future? Where have you been, you ridiculous hack? Panetta’s party has been the party that, other than the Bin Laden raid, has managed to muck everything in the Middle East.  

My advice to the former political appointee to head the CIA: Shut up. And, go away.  

Jim Thompson

There is Trump Derangement Syndrome and there is Jewophilia dickslicking which worships at the head of this cock, that anything a Jew does is brilliant and the apple of God's Eye.To use the term  "brilliant" over a mass attack event, using consumer goods, to blow up people who do not agree with your occupying their lands and engaged in holocaust against them, is the antithesis of what America was founded upon.

Would this genius say if the Jews, had laced thousands of cans of Coca Cola with cyanide to kill  Hezbollah Muslims be ok? How about instead of chemical weapons, if Mosaad had put in a biological small pox into Kleenex boxes to kill Muslims in mass, would that be cheered too? Same thing as bombs in phones in context, and entire laws were changed in America to seal up pill bottles when one nut was doing that and others followed with razor blade in candy bars for is this genius in Jim Thompson going to tell the FDA to shut up and go away? How about  telling those unvaxed Ameicans who were proven right on the injection and the Wuhan flu, are they supposed to shut up and go away too?

Leon Panetta is right on this. This is an area which civilized nations must not accept, no more than the genius of using exploding bullets instead of the agreed to full metal jacket bullets to Soldiers are not ripped apart in combat. There are limits in the horrific. If Jim Thompson had read the Constitution, he would find a condemnation of cruel an unusual punishment. America does not hang, gut and then    quarter humans alive in executing them. America is not supposed to be leaving Jan6 Americans rot in prison. The US military is not supposed to use chemical or biological weapons. There are even limits on you are not supposed to use RPG's on humans which would blow them apart.

When this blog condemned the murder of the bin Laden actor by SEALS blowing off his head into a canoe after he was dead to get in on the glory, it was the same that this blog stated the anal rape of Colonel Khadaffi, his being beaten, then shot by a French CIA asset, while Hillary Clinton relished it, stated this was all unacceptable. Jim Thompson in his brilliance is on the same side as cackling HIllary Clinton and he still thinks how bin Laden's actor was murdered was acceptable. Mass murdering adults in front of screaming children and then threatening protesting Pakistani's with murdering them, is all acceptable to Jim Thompson.

These are not Americans in Jim Thompson. They are a new word of Americons. They have nothing in common with Ronald Reagan, Calvin Coolidge nor William McKinley. They worship the Jew blindly and never contemplate as this blog has warned in, Tel Aviv has informed the world that anyone can paint electronics with a form of nitroglycerine, and when these devices are activated, they will murder enemies. Jim Thompson does not contemplate that the Chinese, Iranians, Russians, Koreans, and yes the great allies  of England and Israel will use whatever means to get America to serve them.

How long is it going to be now that some real protege of America's enemies figures out to make plastic in electric devices out of plastic explosive, making a big bomb, and the detonator is the Mosaad nitro painted battery. No jet is safe, no child is safe in this world now over what Tel Aviv unleashed in terrorism.

I'm  most pleased that I have common ground with AOC on this issue. She is one of the Representatives who demanded answers over the Trump assassination attempt when most of the GOPliters were silent in Congress as were most of these media types.

I do not want liberals to go away, because some of them are finally acting like Kennedy liberals in the true form in demanding limits and reinforcing humanity with a demand for the humane. I do not have to support AOC or Leon Panetta in the political left as most of their stuff is as wrong as this shit which is represented as the right in America in this uniparty. Thee only voices which have been right and have been championing American value, regrettably have been the Kennedy Democrats for too long. Edward Snowden, Gerald Celente, Scott Ritter, Jeff Rense have been the voices for the people on the right, when thee entire right has been nothing but international Obama Bush liberals.

It is absolutely unacceptable what Tel Aviv is unleashed in war on civilians in Gaza and against pets there. It is unacceptable what Tel Aviv established in using consumer goods in mass terror events. It was wrong when the bin Laden CIA group engaged on 9 11 in using civilian jets as much as it is wrong in using pagers that civilians have access to for a terror event in Lebanon.

Telling people to shut up and go away, who are the ones speaking to protect all society from terror events, because the same Goddamn criminal acts will be used like mustard gas against those nations in World War I who used mustard gas first.

Leon Panetta and AOC must continue to speak out, because they are the only ones contending against Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and those Amen Ziongelicals in Congress which Genius Jim is in bed with.

Nuff Said

