Thursday, October 24, 2024

A Choice of Apples or Oysters


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is going to be a study on micronuclear war safety. I have chosen Quincy MA for my own personal reasons. I like most of you have zero notice of those little state in the northeast, only that they are there. some of my distant relatives came from New Jersey and ended up in New Scotland of Canada after the war, but  I never really delved into the study of this region.

Most people think Massachusetts is this flat land with a bay, but in fact it is one of the most beautiful states in America. It beats New Jersey and Connecticut hands down and why people from New York end up in Vermont and New Hampshire in those shit hills is beyond me. Massachusetts is a state you can see things and I like seeing where I'm at and not a bunch of trees or hills.

The state is  a wonder to me as it must be exhilarating to be in a historic area which is America's foundation. Quincy, Braintree are full of history where the leaders of America were born. It must be wonderful to be in places where dead Presidents sleep.

This though is about surviving nuclear war and what you do in the advent of terrorism or strikes. Quincy is an amazingly safe zone in the midst of the nuclear flame. It has it's own hills in fact MA is full of hills and that is important as hills are protection from nuclear winds,ane the fall out goes into the Berkshires in the west........from that Big Apple location, which I have on the map below so show how far Quincy is from New York City and the DC police state.

In this, Quincy is about 25 miles from Boston. I doubt that city is a major target, but that kind of distance is acceptable as the prevailing winds will carry drift from there and from other places in NY away from Quincy. Qunicy gets fortunate and they would be a thriving enclave of survivors. IT gets unlucky and it still would after a two week holing up inside, be quite ready to go plant gardens in the next year.

Let us talk facts here. The Russians have no interest in blowing up Quincy nor the surrounding area. The Chinese could care less as they have Vancouver and that NYC drift scares them. The Muslims could care less about this region. The Ashkejews do not have a large enoug competitor population to final solution, so  Quincy is not relevant.

For that matter, we have seen stories of Boston being a target. That would be for historical reasons of America founding, but if you are going to send a message, CIA prop bin Laden chose Apples over Oysters to make a point. You are not going to cock shot at a picture online if you got the centefold naked in your bed. Those who would do this want bang for their buck and Boston would be.......well the person you had sex with in college when you were hammered and really never got their name.

So in factual assessment, the people of Quincy are far more secure than people in Missouri due to that B 2 base there. That will get a bigger warhead than Boston ever would as Boston is like Minot North Dakota, in why blow up dead Kennedys anymore than blowing up live buffalo. No miltiary or political design in it.

Russia deploys big stuff in the thermonuclear warheads, again this is smaller stuff in the 500 to 800 kilotons which is not megatons which is not small. Still no one would care to have this plopped onto them, but in nuclear doctrine the detonation is over land, not on the ground, Hiroshima was chosen due to being surrounded by hills to contain the energy of the blast. Boston has none of that, so once again heat and force rise, so Quincy on an angular projection curve would have the energy moving over and away from it.

Most of you even in urban areas are dealing with the same rise and energy projection and would be safer there, than in some bunker where military bunkers are. You do not read information like this though on all sites, because they want you scared and to buy their beans in a bag so they can get rich off of you. I in turn trust in God moving people to donate to support what goes on here. That is not to say that I want nuclear warfare. It is why invest time in educating that an opponent would waste their time in blowing up Minot ND as the silos are empty, or the missiles do not work or they can be shot down coming in. Nuclear dusting of deer and antelope, has no purpose in war. Russia would benefit from Christian White in the interior. It is better bang to eliminate the liberals in Shy Town and leave  a base population in the country to farm their 40 acres with a mule.

The same goes for Massachusetts. Russia will benefit from those pretty White breeders in that lovely state which the Kennedy's never let the swarthies in and only White girl get to be on drill teams. You protect your future allie and eliminate your present nemisis.

You can lay these projections over every state in the Union with like results and find there are numerous survival areas in areas you would not think were safe. These are the cottage enclaves which would rebuild America from the foundation again.

This is not the Lame Cherry stating that she sees something out there about to happen. This is a reference in taking care of some of my children  who helped out while the deadbeats have not paid up yet.

Nuff Said
