Thursday, October 10, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something about Abraham Lincoln which is an insight for the end of America as Mr. Lincoln thought he was the last president the United States would ever have. There is a part of Lincoln though which all have missed and is never mentioned as it is censored, and it is a part as much a  part as the atomic bomb of Hiroshima and world war two.

In Lincoln's inaugural of March 1861 AD in the year of our Lord, he was lecturing the Americans, north and south on the meaning of the Constitution. That meaning was one that one state or a number of states could not secede when it meant the endangerment or the end of the other states. Lincoln was absolutely definite about this and it had to do with the focal point, 

This is the focus of everything Abraham Lincoln who understood that secession was not a right of the minority, but it was a license of the minority which endangered the majority, because secession just did not stop with a state, as Lincoln noted in the Confederacy, the voices which had driven states to secede, they were already demanding the right to secede their own fiefdoms from the state they claimed they had allegiance to. Secession is short was not a political right, but secession was anarchy.

Secession was a vice which when indulged continued to erode the fabric of nation and community, until the forces who championed it, would so fragment the people for their tyranny of power that a greater united power like England or France would invade and make slaves of the slave holders.

This is what has missed in this clever subterfuge foisted upon Americans. GET THIS POINT. All of us have focused upon the diversion of States Rights and the Federal Government dictating to each of us, but what has been missed which has culminated in this three birth nation, Barack Hussein Obama and the follow up of not natural born American, Kamala Harris,  is that the Federal Government is the minority entity which has SECEDED FROM THE PEOPLE.

All of us have been so engulfed in history of the Confederate Secession that we never considered that the Federal  Government could and did secede from he will of the people and is as January 6th proved, as a minority violating the rights of the majority by threatening and intimidating them.

The erase and replace the majority with an invading minority by the minority few of the federal police state is the secession which Abraham Lincoln lectured Americans against in his inaugural. The anarchy is the Federal Government from these Big Mike shemales beating the hell out of girls in boxing matches at the Olympics and making shooting galleries in Pennsylvania to put holes in Donald Trump Americans.

The Lame Cherry ends this here to keep it short so you do not get lost in the point. Secession is not just the states. Secession is the reality we are all experiencing with the Federal Government and it is the same anarchy which Abraham Lincoln stated had no part in America.

Nuff Said

