Thursday, October 17, 2024

Conversations at a Kennedy Funeral


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was a ghoulish video of Dictator Biden and image Obama at Ethel Kennedy's funeral which is disturbing in what was being said between Biden and image Obama, but even more so revealing in the body language and chemistry involved.

The last time I saw a more subserviant dog was when Precott Bush was fixing Richard Nixon's fedora. This image Obama is running this klusterfuck and Biden is not in charge. Biden is like the kid awaiting permission.

More to the point in watching the video, image Obama is extremely aggitated. This is one unhappy camper times 10.

Watch the video here.

This is what the lip reader from England exposed the duo were sayting. Again MI6 meddling in US elections as they did in the first set up.

Obama NO NO NO That's not on.

Obama (unintelligible) think it's important we have some time together.

Obama We'll take it at value

Biden: Yes, that's right. Maybe we can. ....she's not as strong as me.

Obama I know that's true.

Obama we have time

Biden Yeah we'll get it in time

This is a better look at the New York Post video without the narration or the ads.

You will remember that image Obama has brought ruin to Harris in the "cock size" remarks at the DNC and then lecturing at Black American men for being racists and misogynists

We know that the international Marxists put Obama into power with the Ashkejew globalits. What is troubling is image Obama is the one in the know and is directing things. Watch Biden after the NO NO NO tirade look away and up. That is a "this is fucking great" expression in things are not working......which is what image Obama is dancing around like things are not working out.

The Lame Cherry inquired on this and is about to fill in what the above means.As it is the duty of people with money to be the beneficiaries of those doing God's work, just like Jesus had people with money providing everything from colts to ride to rooms to cash, you people get off your asses and donate who should be donating and stop stealing the work here.

Now the above translation.

This is in reference to the Board which was established in Argentina.

The NO NO NO exclamation from Obama was to an inquiry from Biden if a .........remedy had been brought about with the Board. Biden looking up an away init being fucking great that nothing hasbeen fixed is his response.

Obama taking it at face value is the offer to be heard by the Board as genuine, concerning the election.

Biden replies that yes maybe an agreement can be reached, but that Harris is not capable of following through one what is going to be required to be done. Obama knows this. That is why Obama Inc chose Kamala Harris as she is weak

Obama is stating that there is time yet to offer things to the Board to get them to install Harris. Biden trying to convince himself, agrees that there is time.

The image is going to offer direct control.

I found this Pakistani AI video below. It was amusing and well done..

Bariloche, the Spring Break Spot of American Presidents - Politico

Mar 24, 2016 ... Obama sneaked in an afternoon family trip to Bariloche, a sparsely populated South American jewel situated on the foothills of the Andes.

Nuff Said
