Sunday, October 6, 2024

Do not Butt in Line in Front of Me


He thought he was going to get away with that and God tore his testicles off.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm an avengeful person.

As a Protestant Christian, I can afford to be, because God avenges me, even on these pew sitters who think they God's faves. I warn people to not cheat me on this blog, but they all think they are going to get away with it. Not going to happen as I do not forget and God always examines the Books and the time comes He avenges me.

I'm waiting on an obituary at the moment. I had spotted a name the other day of a person I knew of from school. All the older males in our school were assholes and bullies. This one we will call Jim, I remember appeared with his fellow bullies and started picking on Screw Eye. Screw Eye could not do anything, because they were all going to stick together and Jim was the one involved in this bullying so he had carte blanche. I was not that fond of Screw Eye, but I did sympathize as he had to take it, even though his brother was in this same class.

This shifts to years later when TL came to the Brier. We were in the farm store, and I spotted Jim, all six feet six of big asshole standing there at 250 pounds. We were in line, but Jim who had the corporate pick up, and was running an errand, because this suck up asshole was in with the management, probably like his old man was, so he got the job and got to be clean ass every day and do nothing but work.

So Jim butts in line in front of us. He then grinned at me with that skunk eating shit grin. I said nothing, never reacted, but knew he was still the same asshole he was as a kid. A pallet should have fell on him long ago.

When I get wronged, I burn inside. I do not forget it and I do not like how long it takes for God to avenge me. This has been years and I have had others on my radar to have their souls required of them, so in an unexpected surprise, there was this guys name in the Brier which came up on the obit page.

I detest these fucking families who are either lazy or just claiming grief in they can not write an obituary for some shit head who died. I mean, I churned one out for the mother, the day the mother died. Yet there are those people in which it take forever to compose a number of lies of how wonderful this asshole was..........when numbers of people are smiling and saying, "Good riddance".

I know people have the same names, so I was not sure it was the same guy.........until tonight when I saw another kid from this same class, who lurks around the obit pages, posting shit to people he has never met sometimes as he has a necrophilia thing going on...........and there was this post to the family. I figured that was confirmation that this was his classmate. Odd damn thing as this Jim probably pissed on this kid and this kid was too dumbshit to even know it, but kind prayers are kind prayers even from the ignorant.

So the lesson in this is, do not butt in line in front of me. Do not be an asshole. Do not get the vax or your son of blubber body is going to get you into the hospital over the holiday weekend and you are going to be dead...........while your loving family is too busy looting your possessions and trying on new cock sizes for your replacement as the merry widow is merry being young and now with no one to answer to.

I can afford to be avengeful as God is my Avenger. I do pray this asshole's family is blessed to repent, to fulfill what Christ taught, but I'm thoroughly enjoying another asshole is vax dead. One of his fat fuckhead classmates died last year who picked on me personally........I still glow over that one as I'm in a thankful glow on God avenging me.

No I do not believe that I'm the sole beneficiary of this one. Things move along better when assholes have been assholes to lots of people who are all telling God the person is a prick and should be dead. As it is, Jim is dead, and to the people out there who think they are getting away with things, you have lots of people who are thinking you should have things happen to you and that you should be dead, along with all of your family. It catches up. I don't know the ratio in this for God to sort things out, or I would make a point of investing weeks in filing reports to God nonstop to speed things up. I do know that God avenges me and I will enjoy the day, strolling through the cemetery when God directs me to walk over this grave and I will smile at the revelation, "Oh that's the asshole who thought he could get away with butting in line in front of me".

........and then I say, "Thank you Lord for avenging your Name and me."

Nuff Said
