Monday, October 7, 2024

Let us complicate saving Lives


Oh no it's climate change...........I forgot my sunblocker.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It was reported after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, with murder and wounding of others that the Secret Service had sucked the Pentagon nectar and was going to replace it's sniper rifles with a chimera contraption which the sniper would take barrels off and reconfigure the rifle to shoot 4 different cartridges.

There is a rule in KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. Barrels which can easily be removed tend to be loose in shots which gets the sniper missing and hitting people they should not be firing at. This is an absolutely stupid idea as all things are now.

USSS wants the base rifle to be no heavier than 16 pounds empty and without any accessories when set up to fire .300 Winchester Magnum. It’s unclear whether variations in that weight requirement are acceptable when the weapon is configured to fire any of the other three cartridges. The RFP notably specifies different barrel length requirements for each round – 26 inches when chambered for .300 Winchester Magnum, 27 inches for .300 Norma Magnum and .300 PRC, and 24 inches for .308 Winchester – which could impact the rifle’s total weight.

All “barrels must be stainless steel, carbon wrapped stainless steel barrels are acceptable,” per the RFP. “Barrel changes shall be able to be completed at the operator level with minimal tooling. The replacement shall be performed without the need of a barrel vice.”

I have some Carlos Hathcock advice. First, tell these fatty white boys and bearded tough boys to first get into shape and get a shave.

Now for the second part. If snipers need an auto rifle, the Germans made a fine M 44 back in world war two.

If the snipers need a bolt action rifle, the Germans made an amazing Mauser bolt action in world war one, along with a pretty 7mm cartridge.

My advice is that all these bangers get one cartridge, the 270 Winchester which is 7 mm and based on the 30.06 cartridge, firing a 130 grain bullet which is always accurate.

All of this whiz gun shit stops. One person, one rifle and you get one cartridge type and you learn to shoot it out to 300 yards. You need more than that and you bring in the 50 BMG which will shoot a mile.

You complicate shooting and you get misses. Put a steel barrel, synthetic stock, silencer and high illumination scope of 24 X fixed, with a bi pod and that is what the clean shaven, in shape, sniper teams protect Americans with.

Hey dude I'm Agent Tough Balls with raisin size testicles.

I repeat protect Americans, not shoot Americans.

One more thing, I don't want to see any more Goddamn military camo or Hitler black uniforms.These are law enforcement, dress like humans not killers.

Nuff Said

