Saturday, October 26, 2024

SHAHMET: The King is Dead


I hold all the cards now, with a Russian table and a Chinese deck.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a Lame Cherry exclusive and no one, including the intrepid Hal Turner noted this. The silence out of DC and Moscow is DEAFENING after the Tel Aviv attack on Iran. This came to me last night, but I had turned the computer off (My computer after posting the Lame Cherry exclusives would not let me power off, or restart. It would sit and spin in trying to load sites. Someone did not like the 25 revelation and the further insights here.) and I was not going to get up and post for non donors.

I will meet you on the other side, but you can read the Turner comments and what is being released in statements and I will tell you it is not good.

Last night, Israel attacked Iran. This morning, the world is breathing a collective sigh of relief; the attack was NOT severe in its effects.  Whether that was planned or just the (unwanted by Israel) result, is not yet known.

The map image above displays where attacks allegedly struck.

Early this morning, SKY NEWS in the United Kingdom reported "Iran officials say Iran will not retaliate, the matter is now closed.

To set the stage on this, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Anthony Blinken and Lord Austin, the Rainbow Warriors, sent a dozen air fuel tankers to the Mideast to assist Tel Aviv in this "attack on BRICS economic terror attack". The tankers are designed for refueling the F 15, F 35 and F 16 American aircraft which Tel Aviv operates.

There was refueling operations taking place over Jordan. There were early reports of bunkers being hit, which means bunker busters, as drones will not penetrate that structure, but the 35 carries a light bunker buster. Then after two small waves of drones, the all clear was sounded in Iran, before Tel Aviv released a statement that they stood down.

I will repeat, one does not send 12 tankers into the Mideast to fly the around. This Tel Aviv terrorism was designed to be  five waves and to be 12 hours long. ONLY THE DRONE WAVE reached target.

This attack was called off and Turner posted a photo of pouty Netanyahu and the Balun boys are not happy.

but the rabbi said I get to turn the keys of Jerusalem over to the Bulan messiah

There is a finite number of projections which would cause Tel Aviv to stand down.

The Russian threatened direct nuclear strikes.

Some of the tankers were shot down.

The attack against the Iranian Russian radar did not clear the skies for the other Tel Aviv jets.

The F 35's which America loaned to Tel Aviv for this attack were shot down over Iran.

The conclusion is one or a number if not all of the above. As no fireballs were seen over Jordan, the tankers did not scramble out of the theater. The arrogance of Tel Aviv would still strike even if the radars were operational in part, so that is eliminated. Russia always threatens nukes and stops no one. That leaves the last projection in American F 35's were shot down last night, if not B 2 bombers which were rumored to have crossed into Iran to hit nuclear facilities. That is the conclusion.

Iran, Russia and China now have American top technology in the debris, and the Lame Cherry concludes that a flight of F 35's were shot down on a first run. That is the only thing which would have stopped this operation in it's tracks as it did.

The Russians have found a way to track 35's in the 40  mile area. To put it plainly, an American JDAM is a glide bomb and Russia knows what is the angle of that glide, so all anyone has to do is look at that 360 degree circle, and find a heat signature from the engines and lock onto that, and down come this nuclear suicide bomber. You have a bunker, you look in the sky at that angle and you will find that attacking F 35.

Now for the reality of that bad part. Russia now has F 35 debris which it does not need, because Russia moved for victory in Ukraine, by revealing that the entire American F 35 and B 2 stealth is worthless. America is disarmed in it's air force as is NATO. That is the message which was delivered and what is behind all this silence.

Iran now holds all the cards. Tel Aviv has nothing but nuclear missiles to point at Iran and Iran has nuclear missile pointed back, so Tel Aviv is SHAHMET or checkmate and so is the United States, Europe and Japan

The only option Tel Aviv has is a direct 9 11 on America in shepherding that along to get America to die in this, as thee American fighter arsenal is a dinosaur after last night. It is good America was humiliated this way before a direct war with Russia or China, or America would be with NATO would have to capitulate.

Tel Aviv's fangs and claws have been pulled. I believe you will see a pattern emerge of Hezbollah with Syria worrying the state of Tel Aviv in wearing it down to terms. With Donald Trump as President, he will now have to move to speedy terms with Russia to get the hell out of Ukraine. This Obama shift to fight China is now negated. Those parts are good, except that Mr. Putin now has BRICS fangs in stating he will dismantle the London New York economic dictatorship.

We are at the point of doomsday weapons of Star Wars versus Sarmat. America will have to come to terms. This is stalemate and Mr. Trump is going to have to deal with this in hopefully George Washington foreing policy of being friendly and at peaceful trade with all.

I have things to do, but just remember you non donors, you have been informed things here which will not appear for weeks if not years as to what took place. Tel Aviv stood down last night. Iran is acting like it is now holding all the cards and America went silent and it's tankers left the building.

I have things to do in trying to prepare so this ends it. World War was not started because Russia set a trap which Iran sprung on Tel Aviv as it dragged America into this.

Nuff Said
