Saturday, October 5, 2024

The 94


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I asked the question and this was the answer.

I think I bought that thing in 1982. Was 90 dollars, local trade in by some guy. He apparently had refinished it and did a shitty job, but I wanted a John Wayne lever action Winchester so I got it.

I later figured out that a 94 was not a 92. The 92 was the one you could do the fancy lever action stuff. The 94, came apart as it shot heavier loads, so all you could do with that is be frustrated in trying to show how you could be the Rifleman.

I bought 2 boxes of Remington core loct cartridges. Got them for 7.95 for each box. I got the Remingtons as they were cheaper than the Winchesters. I opted for the 150 grain instead of the 170 grain for ballistics. Never made any difference as I only shot stuff shitting on my gun barrel anyway.

I see that in all these years I have only shot 13 rounds, lost one brass. I did not think I shot that many loads as I do not waste ammunition like some people. Hardly ever target practice, so I don't know whatI was printing on paper with that gun.

Here is the thing. It is not that accurate of gun. Thing is though I believe Holy Angels guide me in my shooting, because I have killed two deer with that gun. Both were poached, so in white man law that is illegal.

The neighbor's had a swingset that the kids used to swing on. I never like those  kids, one was a real pervert. There was a doe standing in that swing set, it had been a blizzard, so I shot her. I was aiming her heart and hit her in the neck. Dropped her like a rock. See what I mean about Holy Angels guiding my shots? I think the gun is not accurate, and I was not a good shot.

Then again, the second deer I poached was a yearling fawn. I was out doing things and my dog jumped that deer right in our yard. Hell of a smashing going on as I think someone had hit that with a car as it had a bad shoulder. Now that I recall, I missed the first shot, don't know if I hit the fence or what, but I do know the next shot I put it right where I was aiming and killed that deer.

Butchered there that day in November, two days before Thanksgiving. Two days after Thanksgiving it was 20 below and two foot of shitty snow and I think we did not have lights for over a week. I do remember it thawing in being in town, snow up to the fence line, and it got hard ice as she froze in after that.

I like this 94. Can only account for 3 shots that I remember, but two deer poached is good shooting with a 30 30 Winchester. Never could figure out why people disdained that cartridge as it did good on a doe and a fawn. Maybe the bigger stuff runs off, but I did what I expected it all to turn out like.

I guess cartridges last as that is like 40 years ago. Gun looks better than I remember, cartridges look worse. I don't ever recollect having a deer license and taking this  thing hunting legal. I did use it to when I did not have a license, but then again when I was kind of convenient poaching what the Lord had provided for this child of nature.

Never killed no brothers with it in no Indian fights. Almost killed myself twice. No real glamorous things happened, like shooting Big Foot or demon aliens. I sure would like to recall what I wasted them 10 shots on, as that could have been 10 deer.

So that is my John Wayne gun. Not a John Wayne gun, but it is the closest thing I ever came across and is the only one I came across, except this big monster of  a lever gun, was yellow looking, guy took it to hunt bear up north, big bore on that you could hear an echo in. Did not have the money as that was not a 90 dollar gun. Should have took up with it though as that would have not been another John Wayne gun, but I could have not shot that too, except in not remembering or in poaching things. I do remember the Lord's bounty. He makes me a good shot on hide, not on paper.

I did ask.
