Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Funeral Pyre

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You missed the point on the image Obama / Biden meeting at the Kennedy funeral. They had to have it in public in a venue, because the spy agencies can pick up everything people say in the White House, Air Force One and any room.

The noise was meant as cover. You can see the Secret Service with a wide perimeter to keep everything back. MI6 got wind of this and had their lip reader, ready to dump the conversation to disrupt American elections which is always London's intent.

They had to have the meeting there as that was the only place they could talk about the Board and the trade which is being offered.

Who knows if Biden is aware, but the inner workings of the police state is moving for a military crackdown and Bidencon is not certain of their loyalty, as they are now invoking the UN to shoot Americans

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
