Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Tel Aviv Paradigm

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world is held in a paradigm of Jewish Faction. London and DC lust for the world. Tel Aviv lusts for the Mideast. Kiev lusts for Russia.

The question in all of this as the word NO is coming from DC to this Ashkejew orgy of holocaust and genocide, when will Tel Aviv resort to a decapitation of Jewish rivals and move with it's own final solution in the Mideast.

The anti messianic psychosis of Benjamin Netanyahu surfaced again in ENGLISH toward Persians. Just as Netanyahu struck Lebanon sitting in Jew York City to make that city a target. The message below is clear, the end of the regime in Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a warning to Iran on Monday, saying regime change will happen in the country “a lot sooner than people think.”

Netanyahu made the threat in a video he posted on X that he said was a message to the Iranian people.

“When Iran is finally free, and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think — everything will be different,” he said in English. “Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace. Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace.”

We have witnessed the Tel Aviv and Kiev set up of events. The striking others, calling out in pain, and then allowing an avenue of attack and then claiming victim. In this final phase, how long will it be, before Mosaad takes out a Jewish enclave in America, Europe or the state of Tel Aviv with some type of radioactive solution which will either goad America to use nukes on Iran in regime change or the Jews will detonate their smuggled in suitcase nukes into Iran to decapitate that ruling group, in the exact way they used pager bombs and America bunker busters to murder the Hezbollah leader Nasrallah.

To not expect this insanity and terrorism is to ignore what is before all of us. Tel Aviv just attacked the Russian operated port in Syria to as this blog stated open a Russian front in the Mideast to defeat Putin and to defeat then Donald Trump. We are looking at a reality of multiple attacks on Donald Trump, multiple staged events to draw the United States into war with Russia. We have seen Tel Aviv murder their own Jews to propel forward the planned Gaza War, and Netanyahu murdered the leader of Lebanon while sitting in a US hotel and thereby linking America to this terrorism.

Iran will be in it's leadership murdered somehow that is what Netanyahu is informing all of us. The option would be suitcase nukes in Iran for a scorched decapitation.

This group is not going to stop. Their pawn shop brokers own most of the leadership in the West and they control the police state to protect the investment. They dictate the terms and orders. Around 2 million people have been mass murdered in the Mideast and Ukraine in just a few years by these people. Mass murder is their policy against their own Jews and against all others. The West is not immune to this final solution. The projection is that this is coming.

The deal has been made with the devil's own.

Nuff Said

