Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Alcatraz Doctrine of 2025


The Administration gave us a 50 year vacation at Alcatraz
and we only have to labor 15 hours a day to pay for it and meals are bread and water.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From the reversals on Donald Trump by David John Oates, I believe Mr. Trump in what he is stating.

In stating that, I very much appreciate the following statements by coming Trump Administration watchdog, Robert Kennedy II.

RFK Jr: Bill Gates and Fauci Will be Jailed Under New Trump Administration | The Common Sense Show

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has vowed he will use all the power necessary under the new Trump administration to jail Bill Gates, Dr. Antony Fauci, and Big Pharma executives who

I appreciate the words of Vice President elect, JD Vance.

JD Vance - I Can’t Wait To ‘Clean Up DC’ By
‘Releasing the Epstein Client List’

I appreciate the statement by President elect Donald Trump's attorney, who would be a fitting addition to be Director of the FBI with Robert Kennedy as Attorney General, overseeing this protection of all Americans.

Perhaps like Abraham Lincoln as President, instituted a special prison for high crimes in Lafayette Prison in New York, President Trump should reanimate a prison like Alcatraz for these pasty white genocidists like Bill Gates and for fat ass genders who seem to have a symbiotic connection in violating Mr. Trump's rights.

America does not need to be fixed. America simply must enforce the laws against the protected law breakers and then America will be lovely again.

Trump - 'No Choice' But to Carry Out
'Mass Deportations'
