As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In 2016 AD in the year of our Lord when Bill Kristol was part of the Russiagate set up of Donald Trump, via Paul Singer and the Bush fam, he actually had a CIA Mockingbird platform and was a person of standing with the public.
Now he is just a fat old man who looks like he grins at everything people say, because he is too Biden senile to get what they are saying now.
Now we have John Bolton who still looked viable in 2018 AD in the year our Lord when he joined the Trump administration. Now just looks like his main concern each day is his supply of prunes do not run out.
Same with George W. Bush. He just looks like he got some VD gay disease and like Al Capone doesn't know what zip code he is in.
It is all summed up in the image Obama, whatever it is. That international schemer, the designer negro of racism, whose agenda was to create America by changing it to his image.
The image America rejected in November was Birther Hussein's smart ass irreverence. These are all has beens as Donald Trump has moved on to appointing the GENS to his new administration with America filled with hope and change, to not destroy, but to restore the American Republic to a Reagan Morning in America, and not these scowling old bastards who made America as miserable as they are.