Sunday, December 22, 2024

A Tale of Two Women


As another Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter.

One of my favorite women in history is the daughter of a US Senator, a Democrat from Missouri who was a titan in an age of titans in Congress. His name was Thomas Hart Benton. He was the father of the homestead act which provided farms to the poor if they would work the wilderness land.

His daughter Jessie, was a remarkable and headstrong woman. She would have been President if suffrage would have allowed.

She married early to Frontier John Charles Fremont, military explorer and liberator of California from the Mexican Empire. Where he was quiet, she was one of the most brilliant conversationalists in the world. She knew her mind and in her wake she pushed aside the men who thought they were superior.

It was the Fremonts that the Democrat Blairs of Missouri chose to found the Republican Party. This is the secret of the Republican Party. Democrats founded it out of the old Whig party which had destroyed itself in New England interests and it was completely a  Western party of America.

Fremont lost the election, but the Blairs were not finished as the Covention next moved to Chicago of the West and their the choice for them was Abraham Lincoln with the abolitionist weapon to gain power in America, from the Southern Democrat monopoly. It sounds odd, but yet, Missouri was not Southern, it was Western. A contention was building and New York money Whigs wanted to fracture the Democrat stronghold and Stephen Douglas of Illinois was their choice, along with one Abraham Lincoln. The election was one of the West and Lincoln without half the Union was installed.

In understanding this, that the Fremonts were the royalty as national celebrities, Western, founders of California, losers of the last election, to see themselves supplanted by this rail splitter in Lincoln was a bit aggravating.  It became worse with the war begun as the Blairs presented Fremont as the Western General, whom Lincoln promoted as such, and Fremont did as little as the other Democrat in George McClellan and his praetorian guard of the Potomac.

I have never understood John Fremont as all he had to do was win a battle to become Union commander and the next step was the White House. Instead he created an army, dawdled over maps, and did nothing as he planned to march South to New Orleans. Those who contended with him, plotted against him and they got him removed due to charges of misuse of funds. None of which was true, but Lincoln removed Fremont, and in this his wife, was sent with a letter to Lincoln, explaining Fremont's position, which included his emancipation of all the slaves which Lincoln overruled to save the border states to the Union.

Jessie Fremont rode a hot train without a bath or sleep for 3 days to reach Lincoln. She was summoned without bath to meet Lincoln, and then was left to stand as Lincoln, having his own thin skin, dismissed this first lady of the Republican Party. Jessie Fremont was not a woman to be trifled with and she lit into Lincoln with a verbal harangue and threatened him.

This would be followed the next day when old man Blair appeared and scolded her to complete alienation to Lincoln. That was it. The Fremonts were no fans of Lincoln and were now enemies. Lincoln though again would turn to John Fremont to lead an army in the East, which he did, to some success, and again was later removed and as Lincoln put it, "He is not going to get any more chances to play with an army".

It appears John Fremont had his own political agenda like George McClellan. No one has ever stated what he was doing with his do nothing army, unless it was to cause enough harm to Lincoln so he would be the party choice in 1864 AD elections in the year of our Lord.

Whatever the agenda, he would end up in New York, plotting with others to replace Lincoln and not ever come of anything. He would be later appointed as Territorial Governor, but then died shortly thereafter, leaving his wife to live out her days in California.

It comes back to, all John Fremont had to do was win battles and the Fremonts would have been in the White House by 1868 in changing history in America.

The reason for this examination of history is the President Elect has this Adelson woman buying policy for Tel Aviv which appears in these Zionists and Ziongelicals a mix of continued holocaust against Muslims, genocide against Iran, throwing Americans into prison along with Jesus for saying Jews killed Jesus, and making America a terror and nuclear target for a minority group with allot of majority money.

If this Adelson woman would push for peace, a Jewish world of Kiev and Tel Aviv, disarmed and under the protection of European powers, she would be of benefit to Donald Trump. Instead, Mr. Trump is saddled with policies, like Lincoln, which the world is not ready for or does not want.

All of us are going to have to deal with how Mr. President elect deals with his woman who wants things her way.

Nuff Said
