Friday, December 27, 2024

All that is Ukraine is not Gold


Don't try and jew me you little sheister.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The dwarf Jew of Kiev, Zellinskyy has stated that he will "jew Donald Trump" into supporting that regime with 30 pieces of silver. The silver in this case is promised Black Rock exploitation of digging into Ukraine to mine lithium.

This is revealed as a pig and poke, in Lindsey In the Gay Ear Graham, promises of trillions of dollars of minerals in Ukraine...........because Ukraine has nothing developed, Ukraine costs a fortune for electricity to mine, and Ukraine is not the least bit competitive with other lithium producers.

What Ukraine is, is Obama's Green Scam in driving up electricity prices to make solar and wind the break price of what is then coal. Ukraine is a scam top to bottom.

It would be far better to dump Ukraine into Russia, and let Russia be bankrupted by this bottomless pit of financial ruin.

The thesis "come to us, we have lithium" is incorrect and problematic from the very beginning. The deposits are not prepared. There are no competitive advantages. Fundamental economic factors are extremely negative. With our completely uncompetitive price of electricity, the cost of extraction and processing in Ukrainian realities will be much higher than in Australia, Argentina, Chile, and of course in China...

The Lame Cherry is going to keep repeating this, for AMERICAN FIRST POLICY, President Donald Trump has to unhook form these Jews who were put into power by London and New York, who are causing wars and dragging American into this chasm of disaster. Ukraine is a disaster, can not be trusted any more than Tel Aviv can be trusted. This is not anti semite, it is factual as America can not trust Peking in the least either as these Asians are treacherous.

Give Ukraine and the Mideast to German stewardship and get America unhooked from this. Honestly, the United States could robot miners on the Mars and Moon and get better bang for the buck.

Nuff Said

