Friday, December 27, 2024

AMAZON'S It's A Wonderful Life

Me and Big Mike approve of this Amazon movie edit as it reflects our values.

and now onto the show.......


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Apparently Amazon decided that the movie It's a Wonderful Life, was too long and needed some editing as the message of a person sacrificing to do good was what made a wonderful life with family, friends and community.

Here are a few out takes of the new version.

Dad what if I was never born. What if you had a vasectomy. What if
you were a stinky penis addict. What if mom aborted me like she should have?

Shake that ass baby as I'm a hedgefund billionaire thanks to Obama.

I bet you are one hot lesbian under that robe with a scented muff.

Oh satan I know you love me  for all I have, but why am I so miserable
with Trump Derangement Syndrome?

They don't serve those Trump voters here Clarence.

What do you mean you're a homosexual angel????

No it's invader money from Biden. Everyone gets a pile. You can spend it
at P. Diddy's with Kamala smackin' dah ass.

I got a bribe from Jews to holocaust Muslims and Russians this big!

Trump won the election after we stole it!

George it is Happy Holidays as don't worry, these aren't your children,
they are my lesbian lovers as your kids I aborted at Planned Parenthood.

It's a woke life as we're all vaxed and going to die from prions!!!

