Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Did Russia Trade Syria for Ukraine

They look like the Winners

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From what I have studied, the exile of President Assad of Syria to Moscow does not look like people who just lost a country. It looks more like two gentlemen who just pulled something off and are the cats who swallowed the canary.

I know there will be handwringing and rolling on the carpet by the Paul Craig Roberts mindset, but I have been sitting here, pondering this Syria situation and trying to figure it out, as most of it does not make any sense. The Syrian army gets decapitated by Mosaad and then just hands over power, like President Assad.

Let us look at this from the Russian perspective as a battlefield as that is exactly what this is.

First, Russia due to Tel Aviv genocide in Gaza and Lebanon, was in an exposed position and it was costing resources to shore up Assad. Assad was being plotted against by Tel Aviv and Ankara who signed this devil's pact with the United States bringing along the other lying Arab states in this seizure of Syria.

So what did Russia lose? Nothing. The Russians are in good terms with the Islamists who just were handed Syria. They have there two major bases in Syria in air and navy. They have as the Russian commentators told Russians, "Stop focusing on Syria. Focus on Ukraine as that is the issue".

In the mirror of this, what do the coup plotters get in their 30 pieces?

The Jews got the Golan, got to eliminate Assad as the key to the stability of the region, got to remove Syria as a nation for Greater Tel Aviv..........and I suspect as Biden blew up Obama's ISIS oil pirates, the Jews are going to take over those Conoco oil fields.

Turkey got exposed as a backstabber to Islam.

The Arabs got rid of the Baathists of the Levant in a trade for their 30 shekels from Tel Aviv.

That does not look like winning when one understands that Syria was stable. Assad was stability. Syria has just been turned in another Militant Islam Hub. I will meet you on the other side, and then you can watch the video of these militants who were just handed Damascus.

Islamic rebels in Damascus vow to take Jerusalem
next After The Jews Bomb And Kill Many Of Them

Israeli tanks crossed Syria buffer zone boundary
reached outskirts of Damascus

As long as Assad was there, he was a uniting factor. Assad is gone and with Russia provided a very peaceful transition of power in Damascus, while the Jews have been blowing the hell out of the weapons that these turban headed boys know that they are their property.

So without Assad. who do Muslims hate?

Muslims hate Jews.

Muslims hate the Great Satan.

I could repeat that, but Syria is now crawling with state sponsored Islam which no longer hates Iran as they are not the problem Iran is in fact an ally in Islam in this fight as they ALL HATE JEWS.

So enter the video below, with this ripsnorter outside the Birth of the Light of Revolution in Syria, now stating their objective is to march in Jerusalem and stand on that Mosque site..........and listen to what the boys are stating in THEY ARE ON THE PATH OF MOHAMMED. Yes Mohammed was at the Temple Mount and sprang to heaven on his winged horse. The Islamists of Syria are now on a haj, a journey to liberate the place that Mohammed sprang from the earth to heaven.

Meet you on the other side.

So the more I have pondered this, the more this looks to me that Vladimir Putin was playing a chess gambit which is genius. He lost nothing. He has now dumped this toxic tar baby into the greedy hands of these Bulan Boys in Tel Aviv.

This is important to understand in this, in Moscow was at odds with the Land Bulan Boys of Kiev and at odds with Talmud Bulan Boys of Greater Tel Aviv. With one move, Vladimir Putin has dumped another toxic mess into the District of Crooks lap, has avenged itself on Turkey and has another fire breathing Islamic state, going to the rescue of Gaza, to do to the state of Tel Aviv what they just slept in the mud for in Syria.

The Lame Cherry concludes that Vladimir Putin in the Trump sphere has got to have gained some kind of leverage in handing over Syria, as Trump was the first to come out and say that Syria was not America's fight. That means the peace deal in Ukraine, that the dwarf of Kiev just said he was not going to follow......so Donald Trump has stated he will quit all military aid to Ukraine.......meaning Donald Trump has his exit and can dump this into the lap of the Germans, we have a scenario which is interesting in how Moscow has played this.

As this blog has stated, what took place in Syria, means that Iran will move to nuclear weapons as they are the last wall in this, as Syria is gone. Hypersonic nuclear weapons and hypersonic conventional weapons will end this Tel Aviv maxim. While Tel Aviv was seizing Syrian lands that these new Syrians are not going to give up, Tel Aviv just made itself a big target for these boys of Aram. In case you missed this, this is now a Holy War by Islam for Jerusalem, and this is a Muslim Crusade to take that city. No Samson option is going to be able to end this by Tel Aviv. This is the end of this Bulan rule, the one that owns President Elect Donald Trump, and this blog explains again, that the President Elect had better reach an accord with Moscow immediately, in finding peace with Iran, or the United States is going to get clobbered and withdraw in humiliation when events unfold.

It is imperative that the United States disengage from this entire Jew problem that Donald Trump is joined at the hip with. Mr. Putin has reached terms with Islam and is not threatened. The United States is the nation which must as in Europe, create some kind of new alliance, promise to supply weapons, but let the Germans manage both Ukraine and the Mideast.

Vladimir Putin won this Syrian situation and is in a stronger position for it.

Nuff Said

