They put up monuments to nation rapists. Thank God the pigeons shit on them!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reading some of the swamp pornsters if Bob Woodward and George Conway, being quoted in the dinosaur media over Woodward saying we should be very afraid of Donald Trump and Conway saying that Trump had assembled people who would tear down the government. In looking at those statements, I am reminded of Jew August Belmont of New York, the Rothschild representative in America, scolding President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 AD in the year of our Lord, that Democratic General, Ben Butler's polices in New Orleans were harmful. Lincoln lectured back, but it is the current Woodward and Conway lament, in Lincoln was trying to save the country, but Belmont and global finance were only concerned about cotton selling to Europe for their profits.
Belmont was not interested in the thousands of dead Americans already in the war. The fracturing of America. The millions of slaves who were used to create the cotton market, not that the textile mills in Europe were creating their own White slave class for the feudal few.
If you are a Bob Woodward of George Conway, it makes no different the robbery which the majority of Americans suffer through as gas could be 100 dollars a gallon and pizzas 500 dollars and they have the money to buy things. They do not have credit card debt. Their expensive mansions are paid for. They have zero concerns about concerns that millions of foreigners have been imported to America as a new slave class, so that their fortunes on Wall Street will benefit them as Americans struggle in being erased and replaced.
Just think about it in what Bob Woodward and George Conway are worried about and defending. America is a Nazi state, meaning national socialism where Americans are looted by the tax system for the elite. The money and the debt spending goes into the conglomerates and hedgefunds, which spread sex porn to destroy families, so that there will be only a class of Americans in the majority who are getting handouts to survive as dependent as salves in 1862.
Think about what Obama did, that there was not one word from Woodward or Conway, in how he and his cronies of Buffett and Soros, paid ANTIFA and BLM Americans to burn down their own cities for insurance fraud for the elite, criminalized them all for 30 pieces of silver and then abandoned them too on Jan6 to be hunted down and prosecuted as much as innocent Trump supporters.
That kind of treatment is out in the jungle where the hyena and lion prowl around the goat pen and kill the bleaters they want as this is the "useless eaters" who are just in the way of this utopia that cuts skin off corpses left for medical science of penis enlargement of the feudal few.
The very malevolent and cancerous thing which Bob Woodward and George Conway are being PAID to defend and to attack Donald Trump over, is the very problem of humanity. Think about it, as Bidencon tries to start nuclear world war for the weapons and Wall Street profiteers, as genocide and holocaust abound in this evil dimension, and while we are to fear Donald Trump and worry about this cancer on government, these rich elite have no words about how disgusting holocaust, genocide, nation rape and erasing Americans is. Yes Hitler is held up as the worst evil of all time, and yet the very things which Hitler was not wholesale in, these elite are defending things worse than Adolf Hitler, and Donald Trump is the problem in moving to stop this, and give Americans back their country before it is gone.
This Mockingbird media is so absolutely deluded that it puts these press whores on display and they chatter the spew that we need to trust the pimp who is raping children and the cops are the bad people.
That is one thing which President elect Donald Trump has not yet addressed, and that is this labyrinth of the intelligence stooges who have hedgefunding, off book funding, that is managing with talking points all these media whores and the message of lies assaulting Americans. Woodward is a creation. Conway is sustained, all by this leviathon of propaganda, in they are never challenged as this article has in why are they defending enslaving millions of people for their own lifestyle and why is genocide and holocaust for profit around the globe, benefitting their elite class, something which they embrace.
Nuff Said