As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is June 24 today as I type this after hearing a cock dripping DJ praise Jessica Alba in some movie, which I looked up called Trigger Warning, and everyone else rightly said Alba and the movie suck.
Critics Blast Jessica Alba's Netflix Movie 'Trigger Warning' - Forbes
Let us be honest in this, is Jessica Alba is pretty or was, and people wanted to fuck her. That is why she had a career as she is a cold ice cube she bitch in what she projects on screen and that appeals to no one but pervs.
What this is more about is how just worthless Alba is in agreeing to the roles she has doomed herself with. In Trigger she looks old and bored. Time has run out on the woman. It is a fact and she looks like she is crying all the time as the reality has hit.
She should have known better than to take a role where she is some special forces commando.. OK face reality. Alba probably weighs 100 pounds. Most fat ass women and all men could clock this woman with one punch and break her skull. Hollywood is just stupid in keeping on placing women in roles, beating up men. It does not happen due to genetics.
I recently suffered through a sex deviant movie with Casey Affleck that Alba was a whore in .She gets beat to shit. Why she would agree to shit like this, is as fucking asstard as the movie where she is the cunt to a billionaire that she plots to murder on the operating table AND SHE IS ENGAGED TO THE INVALID. Where Alba never asked, "Hey why wouldn't a trade up bitch just wait for your bad heart beaut to die and not share the wealth", just proves what a low IQ Alba is.
For me, Alba is like Marisa Tomei. You really want to like these perky girls and Tomei fell into My Cousin Vinny and had the world by the ass, but this liberal only got shit pictures like the one with Christian Slater who was playing a retard who wanted to fuck her. I mean, how the fuck hard is it to tell your agent, "I don't give a shit what the part is, get me into movies with big name stars, big name budgets as that kind of fame has got to rub off".
Now granted there is not shit in Hollywood anymore in big stars you can hitch yourself to and not take your knickers off. There are stars though like Nicholas Cage Willem Dafoe, who have a record of getting movies that are pretty good as they make them pretty good. I would shadow those two and a few others who do good work and make sure I got my ass into those movies, keeping my clothes on, and then work my ass off in making my role, whatever it was something people will never forget.
I would offer if Jessica Alba would employ me to come up with a story which would play to what limited abilities she has, I would do it, as it is just painful to see people who got the silver spoon, fuck it up.
Jessica Alba is an absolute waste. I realize she is ditz grade and can not get the roles, while she tries to sidestep endless naked profiles from the back. I mean how dense are you as a woman in having the Director leverage where you don't do nudes, to not understand, KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON in tasteful undress and let the sticky fingers cum and prop up your stardom. Stop the goofy shots and sex scenes and stop slitting guy's throats as no one wants to see that shit.
That is about all I can do to save this failed woman. With slight of hand I could make her into a star, but she does not have the ability to act. She would have to rely on real actors and a storyline which made her appealing to the audience.
Jessica Alba needs to up the game or just quit as sad and old does not sell in the genre she has failed at.
Nuff Said