Dogs don't bite Fed Ex and UPS carriers for some reason.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I do believe that all things work together for them that love the Lord.
On the day that President elect Donald Trump floated the idea of privatizing the post office as it is nothing but a communist tyranny sucking the life out of America in mismanagement and abuse, I discovered an emergency shipment of furnace parts had been seized by the post office because "Fed Ex had put the packages, out of the snow, wind and cold, into the mail box", and the post office just did not steal my property, they were extorting shipping costs which I had already paid.
This is beyond wrong and more bullshit of what is wrong with America.
I will repeat, I like all of you have BOUGHT and paid for the installation of our mail slots in our doors in our homes or the mail boxes we have. The post office does not get to say that is their domain. This kind of overreach is typical in the things we have all witnessed from Jan6 or the murder of LaVoy Finnicum.
As I was not going to accept being robbed of money in this extortion, I started filing complaints and making phone calls. God blessed me in this Righteous cause as I got a phone call today and learned a great deal which will assist Mr. Trump on ridding Americans of this postal inservice.
Fed Ex contracts with local carriers, who buy their own trucks and hire their own people for local deliveries. That is supreme as that is exactly what the Lame Cherry was stating needed to be done for the sale of the post office in Americans retaining 50% silent ownership and a Pubic Utilities Commission setting rates. As Fed Ex and I will assume UPS is the same working operation, America has two successful carriers who can acquire in regions the US postal service. To assist them, they need to declare the post office bankrupt as it is, and then unload that union and this luxury benefits these employees are making us pay for in their retirements. They can go on social security like the rest of us or get a job like the rest of the non government geezers who are working at jobs to supplement their income in this wonderful Obama Super Depression.
The point in this is, do not create an enemy in me, as Jesus is on the other side of this and you got Jesus to deal with, and I pray this reckoning is just starting as all things work together for them that love the Lord, as it was not a mistake in poor orphan status that the post office by satan thought they could steal from me and bitch slap me around.
As it was, it seems my few actions were magnified by God in this, in there was allot of jumping going on. I want to stress that I have no problem with Fed Ex. They are trying to provide a service and the contractors have to pay the same insurance, gas, wages and other bills that we all have to in this struggle. The problem is this tyranny of the US postal service which is a group of thugs who think they are above the law. Are they all this way? Not in the least, one gal I spoke with could not have been more helpful or nice, but her hands were tied by regulations. God bless her to be retained in the new postal service, but the rest of this anal retentive chit needs to be canned and join the real world work force and as Donald Trump is ejecting all these invaders, there are nice jobs awaiting them in milking cows on corporate dairies and changing tires in shops.
I will repeat again. Do not mess with me as Who is on the other side of me is going to avenge when this suits His Purpose.
If these worthless trolls at USPS are angry at me, the anger is due the little Nazi's at the Brier Patch who started this with satan in attacking me in thinking I had no response to these untouchable tyrants. My interest in this is wondering now as the guy I spoke with said he had a picture of the postage due. That means the Nazi at the post office sent that picture and someone is being made to jump over what they did over their 30 pieces of lucre. I pray this goes up the political food chain as it will in inquiries, grandstanding and Mr. Trump gaining support as this then obliterates the post office, the way Ronald Reagan as President did the airport unions who went on strike.
I would suggest that all of you pray for this success as one more thing to get your lives back, including your mail boxes. Postage rates will go down, the deliveries will speed up and you will have pleasant people to deal with, and not these grumpy trolls.
I figure that this postal monopoly, in being managed by the now carriers, will gain Americans at least 100 billion dollars a year for the US Treasury, instead of costing taxpayers money with forever stamps which expire in a year, as you pay for retirement luxury of people sucking you dry.
All of this is in place for Mr. Trump to have an immediate success, a debt, turned into a moneymaker and for the public to adore Mr. White House for another reason.
Let the infamy unleashed upon me, be but the beginning of the restoration of the mail service to serve thee American People in a profit venture which is like Trump tariffs, the realization of less of a tax burden on each of us, as the money is coming from where it should be, in trade and product.
One more thing, the post office retaliated on this carrier in shutting off his mail, because his mail box was not 42 inches high according to was 41 1/2 inches high. I would suspect that just as our mail in ballots for Donald Trump disappeared in that same corrupt post office, that these trolls will probably stop delivering mail to the Trumps at the White House as this group does retaliate as heinous as FIB engaged in on the Jan6 and Russiagate framing of Americans.
One more thing, Fed Ex gives puppy treats to dogs. Besides being happy people it is why the dogs do not bite them like they do USPS workers.
Nuff Said