As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is one reality for the people of the world, and that is when President Elect Donald Trump becomes President Donald Trump, the real nuclear war clock begins ticking, as Russia is holding the line in the hopes that America is shifting to Asia, and that there will be an understanding with Moscow which will avoid war in Europe.
The fact is that the Germans have no desire to see any sort of war expansion with Russia. This is the out of touch Slavs on the Russian border who want America to fight this war and the Paris and London clique who think they are out of reach of Moscow.
The order of battle for Russia has been outlined in what to expect, which reflects what this blog posted long ago.
The Americans, for whom the conflict in Ukraine was super-profitable, began to crawl away as soon as it smelled hot, the possibility of the war spreading to American territory. They began to crawl away even before Trump, who will continue the process. The Europeans have simply lost all strategic sense, I do not see any elites there who can make rational decisions
Besides, there are still quite a few steps on the escalation ladder, including cutting cables in the ocean, testing nuclear weapons. Therefore, we are not currently on the threshold of direct use of nuclear weapons. I hope that the "Nut" with its amazing combat qualities will sober up our maddened neighbors
If such a strike is launched and is not repelled, it will destroy a small part of one of the hostile countries. I hope that these countries will understand what is being discussed. But before that, I think, "Oreshnik" will be used several times against important targets both on the territory of Ukraine and, if necessary, on the territory of those countries that support the Kiev regime.
As communication cables have been cut already, the threshold has been reached, and this is the venue now of Donald Trump. It requires stating, the reason Donald Trump is going to continue to arm Ukraine is the position of attempting to pin down Russia, so she will not come to the aid of Iran or China as the lines shift in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.
Considering that both Iran and China have hypersonic missiles and nuclear warheads, this "idea" which Donald Trump is latching onto is outmoded and ridiculous as Russia already pivoted to Asia and the Mideast by advancing the hypersonic group there of fellow travelers.
The Lame Cherry's prayer is that Donald Trump, mirror George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, in both shunning foreign wars, and getting the United States out of this Eurasian intrigue. Mr. Trump can have a golden age, even a short lived one in the End Times, if he simply detaches from Eurasia and moves to an economic footing in a peace with Russia.
There are many policies which the Lame Cherry would like to see Donald Trump focus on as a priority, but the first is to get the Russian nuclear submarines off American coasts, and to shut down the Minuteman silos in North Dakota and replace them with Neptune barges sunk off the American coast as a nuclear deterrent. Donald Trump must stop seizing working American's money for taxes and Donald Trump must stop having American in the interior targets in nuclear war. This is a ghastly affair from poor planning of the 1950's. Mr. Trump has the opportunity in this to keep America out of another world war, which will be the last war, and that is the point in all of this.
Nuff Said