As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Once again the CIA Mockingbird is desperately attempting to have Russia and China nuke thee American deer and antelope while leaving all the metro areas untouched. Only Christian genocide is what they desire.
The fact is as this blog has lectured, the American missiles are worthless. They are bait. George HW Bush was going to shut the silos down back in the 1980's. They are only there to use up around 500 Russian missiles there, instead of prime targets.
That is why the Russian Hazel missile is so important. With the S 500, the Hazel can knock out US missiles in silo. What the Hazel does not take out, the S 500's will take out on re entry. Russia has no reason to kill White Protestants who voted for Donald Trump in peace and like Russia, and are going to be needed after all of this as allies against China.
Nuff Said