Monday, December 16, 2024

The Invader Dividend


Maybe this one is like Doctor Who in they have two hearts, so this one 
could be used to help a homosexual hedgefund billionaire handling all our investments.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Merry Christmas! Sorry that you feel down. May our great God give you encouragement. Idea, we could use assets seizure law on illegals, have 30 days to leave with what you have or we take it all, use it to pay your way home, and they get nothing.   

Actually William Gheen has been floating this at his site, but a kinder and gentler version as he is more interested in the prod than the carrot end making a nice American reward.

Some might call it satire, but as invaders have two good eyes, two good kidneys, a good liver with a lobe, and hell two good lungs, Trumpland, might have more success if they just tell invaders, "When we catch you, you are donation, one cornea, one kidney, one liver lobe, bone marrow and whatever other spare you have, men ,women and children, no exceptions.

That would scoot them out the border and you might as well as in Lincoln's Civil War era, suspend habeas corpus for the enablers who are hiding these criminals and protecting them, and do some organ harvesting on them too. It would solve a great shortage for healthcare.

This is all kosher by Kiev and Tel Aviv, cutting out body parts, and the District of Crooks just gets a wet spot over this, so yes confiscate all the took from Americans, as most of these criminals have sent twice as much to their 3rd world holes, but as satan said, "Skin for skin a man will do anything to save himself". Make it personal and you would be surprised how many Chinamen are flooding back into China.

Nuff Said

