As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The confirmation of Kristi Noem as Homeland Security Director is a reality of the verbal process which President Trump must follow through as Abraham Lincoln accomplished.
Mrs. Noem garnered the votes of several democrats to her credit, and one summed up an almost mirror statement which was repeated by Democrats dealing with President Abraham Lincoln.
"I do not agree with the statements and policies of Kristi Noem, but she was sincere in wanting to listen and talk. I want to save my state and so does she."
In 1861 AD in the year of our Lord, Benjamin Butler and other democrats advised President Lincoln, "You can not just appoint Republicans in this war. You have to appoint Democrats to the war, to give you cover in the failures and when success comes, to have them share in that success too, to make your administration successful".
Sec. Noem began with talking and gaining that dialogue. As this blog has advised for President Trump, he is going to have to bring into this enough Democrats interested in saving their States and Districts, so that when the success does come, they will have the credit along with him, and become the loyal opposition which will supplant the disloyal resistance.
That is why Robert Kennedy II is crucial in this. It is why Tulsi Gabbard is essential.
I would advise Team Trump to find a way to cater to the Kennedy Democrats as RFK has the door open for success, and this is that very vocal group in Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense and Scott Ritter.
Mr. Ritter is a political prisoner and has written of this and is looking at Donald Trump with a litmus test in how he is going to be treated. As I have stated, this group is vocal like a flock of geese and people listen to them as they platform extremely well.
Mr. Ritter should be approached by Attorney General Pam Bondi, tell him he is not going to be harassed ever again, and then I would suggest that Tulsi Gabbard meet with Mr. Ritter, in a legitimate setting and ask him for his opinions on Russia in all honesty, with it being confidential and to include Mr. Ritter. The fact is that Russia is going to be a non issue as soon as this Ukraine garbage is over, and Mr. Ritter will then tune into the Mideast. He will assist in the administration's agenda when he knows his opinions are valued and having an influence on policy. It is better to have these people pissing out of the tent than pissing into the tent.
Ritter has expertise, has sound advise. He must be listened to at a distance by the President.
The same is the case in Gerald Celente, another Kennedy firebrand. Find funding for him, note that Mr. Celente's peace initiatives are embraced by the administration and use that platform.
Jeff Rense perhaps might be too toxic in his realities of Zionism and Donald Jefferies timidity in Manifest Destiny, but this FBI Grey is a platform that a number of sincere people listen to, and he was right on a number of issues from the vax to the Reich survived after world war two. To get to the point, the DIA and CIA are running their fringe Mockingbird platforms. Throw some of the special guests who are the highliners to Sightings and it will marginalize the bizarre Mitchell Hendersen who swings between Trump being the anti Christ and the anti Christ being the anti Christ.
This is politics of Lincoln. It is managing the loyal opposition and producing a factual narrative and a legitimate seat of people to be listened to. President Lincoln was not handled by the radicals, but he never slammed the door in their faces, as they got their say about exterminating the Southern People and making Niggers everyone's personal pet.
The resonance is as true today as it was for Lincoln when it was said by politicians, "No one will ever be made President who spells "nigger with one G", meaning you can't relegate a political issue to radicals and expect to have success. Loyal democrats must be brought into this, and the ones who are reasonable and the loudest are the place to be. Let them share in failure and own part of the success as anyone can sit on the sidelines and bray shit to the world about what should be done like Paul Craig Roberts, and everyone forgets when the stuff he is bitching about is actually having success and his stuff would have made things worse, like the relic of Putin should conquer Ukraine which would have put the world into world nuclear war.
Momland's Kristi Noem engaged in the right diplomatic tenor to be consented to. This is an excellent outreach and RFK is already there with his group, and all that is going to be required is the hand extended and to listen to these people, from a degree of separation.
Full List of Democrats Who Voted to Confirm Trump Nominee Kristi ...
PS: The reason the Lame Cherry defines Homeland and Momland is I refuse to be brainwashed by this globalist term of "homeland". Americans rejected that long ago. America has always been female in a motherland like Austria is a Motherland. As the extinct Sarah Palin was a Mama Griz, what better term for Homeland than Momland under the puppy slayer, Director Kristi Noem.
Momland it is from this point on and we in Reagan States are going to end that Goddamn Tim Russert "Red State" bullshit to make Conservative Christians the pinkos. Democrats have always been RED left and ever blue. Am going to keep on that for Blue State America Reagan and Trump to end this conditioning.
Nuff Said