Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Doomsday Brooder


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Things were in a bit of a bind this year in hatching out eggs, from Chinaman incubators going tits up to too many different hatches. I was trying to figure out what to do for brooders, when the Holy Ghost told me to get a topper from JYG as a secure way to keep feathered out birds from getting eaten or getting drown from rain.

What God came up with was some coated wire shelving for the front for fresh air, bugs and grass. The topper JYG sold me for 25 bucks was really nice in I could open the screened windows for ventilation. This is secure as long as thing do not try and dig in at night, and for like a dozen birds, this is perfect for the doomsday pioneer who wants something to keep their birds safe.

Am thinking I could build a bottom to this to get it 8 feet off the ground, and it would be a chicken coop if I go that route. As JYG has had a number of these toppers and no one wants the things anymore in these old ones broke, are dusty and just in the way, am thinking when another one comes along, I'm going to build a hen coop for chickens as a roof is a roof and this will be secure.

Personally, I like eggs and hens eat bugs. It is win win, providing I keep the predators dead and away from my birds. This is a lovely and affordable set up.

Nuff Said
