As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Something overtook me today and I did not realize it until after the fact.
We bumped into a friend of ours, a very well informed, competent and intelligent woman. She was telling us about some liberal troll who was a friend of her husbands who was whining about the removal of these invaders with the same old talking point lines of jobs, better life and other nonsense that diffuses they are invading criminals taking our lives away and putting this all into jeopardy.
It honestly was less than a minute, and this was just conversation that TL and I ripped through the points without thinking. She replied, "I never thought of that!".
When we left her she said her head hurting as her brain had expanded as TL and I tend to be like zip files which unfold and overwhelm on people.
I had been stewing about the replacement of Momland in that cow chip state out west and decided to respond to what the replacement was up to with helpful advice in pointing things out, which summed up in street speak my telling this person what a political retard they were. No I do not expect a reply nor want one, but as I contemplated the correspondence and the absolute missing the political tide which is sweeping this nation and world, something was whispered to me by the Holy Ghost, in something I have overlooked. I understand why politicians refuse to deal with MAGA in the District of Crooks, and that is because all of us are living in an amphitheater, much like the Greeks who St. Paul said just argued to argue because it was sport.
When I first began reading Carl Sandberg's history of Lincoln in the first pages, I was sitting there stunned in this dude Sanberg as an intellectual, impressing other intellectuals in the 1930's, put more information in a few pages than Bill O'Reilly puts into an entire book.
This was small print, and it took a bit to get my brain trained to this type of intellect, and now I enjoy it, but I did not realize that for the past decades I have been exposing myself to some very intelligent people and reflecting them, and infusing all of this with the compression of time and space in what we now communicate with. I'm the best blogger there is, probably ever will be, as the written word is dying and the GENS prefer Rogan brain as their pablum, but I'm more of a stump speaker, which is what Davey Crockett and Abraham Lincoln were. I admire the McTokers, Ricky Vaughns, Elon Musks and yes Donald Trump for their gift of meme communication, but that is not me online. I do my memes in person and devastate like today without realizing I blister politicians in their echo chambers, who think they are so brilliant and have everything figured out because pollsters and hedgefund queers tell them that nonsense.
This is a marvelous time in humanity for those who read and are Inspired, and are exposed to brilliant minds, both past and present, to produce this theater of street debate to elevate to this parliament of human evolution or devolution.
There is a real intellectual genus which is being produced and a majority retarded genus. How little we have in common with the common.
Nuff Said
Simon & Garfunkel - Leaves That Are Green - YouTube