No Milley, I made you a Private 4th class to polish toilets.
You keep bothering me and I'm going to put you into a howitzer
and fire it like my friend Kim Jong Un does with traitors.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Some popular girl noted in 2015 AD in the year of our Lord that 45 needed to create a Praetorian Guard.
President Trump's Pardons Create His Own Private Army | Opinion
Donald Trump Pulling US Troops From Europe in Blow to NATO Allies: Report
Trump suggests he'll use the military on 'the enemy from within' the U.S. if he's reelected
Pure Bloods. Americans who did not bend at the butt. Stood by their Faith, Creed and God, and even when trolled to take the vax, pressured to take the vax, threatened to take the vax, now have over 10,000 Trump exiles who are proven to not be intimidated by anyone or anything.
What a lovely group to have for 47's support to save America, in the military, in organized groups and over 70 million in a majority vote who will guard 47 and thee American Dream.
90 88 days and counting down.
Nuff Said