Friday, January 24, 2025

thee unprofitable servant

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Holy Ghost opened the Bible today in the teaching of Jesus about the Lord who gave money, which are called talents in that coin to different people, and he came back expecting a profit. Some had 10 while the last had 1 talent which he hid away, knowing if he lost it the Lord would be most displeased.

From that person, the Lord took what he had given and gave it to the one who was abundant in the 10 coins which astonished people, but that is how God is. Jesus is going to tell allot of people in the Judgment who thought they were Christians to depart from Him as they have no Heavenly reward as the were working rebellion against God by being self serving.

Recently we saw the examples of Kamala Harris' supporters like Beyonce and Oprah and whoever. All the big name liberals, who you thought were supporting the campaign, but they were all being paid. Nothing galls me more than to read of rich people saying, "We gave of our time and money". Yeah tell that to the IRS or the mechanic when you try and pay bills.
Yet it is a constant, even on this blog in an endless band of lurkers and those who let others donate in their Widow's mite, while they always have an excuse of poverty or are giving of their time. They can see the fraud of Kamala Harris' fellow travelers, but they exclude themselves from that group, as Jesus said, "People can always make excuses for themselves".

So look around you at all you have, and realize NOTHING is going from this world to the next. The Bible explains exactly that when this is all settled out that a New Heaven and New Earth appear, and everything in this physical sphere vanishes as it was designed by God to have an atomic clock. There is no clock in eternity so this all disappears.

In me, there is zero value for being ruler over 10 cities. I have done enough nurse maid here is serving the masses, that I'm not in this in the least for position or reward. The only Gift I desire is to be saved by Christ in eternal Life. I would appreciate being united with all my pets, all my animals and all the things I have killed and eaten in being mine, as that would be a lovely plain to rest in with horses for beds and puppies for pillows. Whatever treasure I have in Heaven, God can have it all, as I work for Him as it is the only correct life to engage in.

People who have invested here, will gain the Prophet's Reward in what they put in, in prayers, donations and being Faithful and Steadfast. God knows who they are and God knows who the culls are who saved their lives and their money, and they will have it all taken from them. Their rewards are in this life as they never invested in people which is what God mandated, to care for each other.

I have to close this out as it was 15 below, is a gale wind, HAARP fog in chem cooling and things have to be cared for in this struggle while working for God.

There is the profitable servant of God and the unprofitable accomplice of satan.

Nuff Said
