Donald, a Government by the People, for the People and of the People,
not the foreigner and the money changers.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As President Donald Trump is enforcing the laws of the United States against invasion and insurrection, as President Abraham Lincoln did during the Civil Wart to save America, President Lincoln noted an abuse of foreigners of US Laws which mirror what has taken place in America in this Obama Bush era, where foreigners took the status of citizens and provided nothing in return to America in defense or taxes.
Meet you on the other side in reading President Lincoln's noting of crimes by foreigners against America.
Foreign born persons who had taken the our naturalization papers, or who had already become citizens and voted in elections, were found to have denied the facts and evaded military duty. Local officials were advised to send naturalization lists to the Interior Department at Washington. Also foreigners, it was found, had become citizens of the United States merely to evade taxes in their native countries. "Though never returning to the United States, they still claim the interposition of the this government as citizens. Many altercations and great prejudices have heretofore arisen out of this abuse. It might be advisable to fix a limit, beyond which no citizen of the United States residing abroad may claim the interposition of this government.:
Abraham Lincoln
State of the Union 1863 AD in the year of our Lord.
The Lame Cherry rises in this with solutions as the United States, but by the saving Grace of God, put into the White House a deliverer in Donald John Trump, for a 3rd election win. America is facing not only a invader threat or crimes in deporting them, but America is facing a taxation threat and a vote fraud theft, just as Lincoln's America was.
To remedy this, Mr. Trump in his tariffs, must expand this to ALL foreigners will be taxed to repay America for their status and more to the point these foreigners will have their wages taxed and paid to the nations they have come from. Mexico and India are being cheated out of billions of dollars each year in this tax fraud scam. In America, if you live in Kansas and work in Missouri, you have to pay both Kansas and Missouri taxes. When these Elon Musk Curry Card workers are in America, they must be made to pay taxes to India too. That is Lincoln's solution.
Furthermore, in the voting situation and residence. The voter ranks must be gleaned. You can't buy a fishing license in America as a resident of any state unless you live there for a period of time. No one should be allowed to live overseas, gaining high wages, and then vote from that luxury which has proven to be liberal, in Americans residents have to face these communist bills, while these foreign residents pay nothing. There must be a stipulation, that unless someone is in the military or in a specific federal government job overseas as Ambassador, they can not vote in American elections if they have not resided in the United States in the past two years.
For an even more clarification, ALL of these dual citizens must be barred from voting in American elections. When German immigrants came to America in 1880 as my relatives did, I have read their papers and they had to not just swear allegiance to the United States but state they had renounced ALL links with not only Germany, but loyalty to the Kaiser. That is precedent in America and this must be established again. If someone wants to be a citizen of Moscow or Tel Aviv and live there but claim American citizenship or if someone wants the fruits of liberty in America, but is still a citizen of Russia or Bulan, then that nullifies them as an American citizen and they are foreigners.
This is American Law.
So what President Trump has begun is the removal of thee most foul canker on the surface on the body politic of America in foreigners ruling in the United States, but there is a deeper malignancy in the foreigner using American Law at the expense of Americans. They do not defend America in military service, they vote against Americans in elections, they hide their fortunes here as well as themselves abroad, and Americans suffer in this disease.
47 must begin the orders to mirror President Abraham Lincoln in securing American Borders, States and Rights. No one gets to vote in America who is a foreigner, dual loyalist like Obama or who has not spilled their blood in the US military in service.
Nuff Said