Promising 'stronger resistance against Trump', Ken Martin wi ..
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It needs to be stated in this tracking of events of the Insurrection in the United States that it is organized. It has lezbo pilots crashing copters into civilian planes, deranged trying to blow Candidate Trump's head off in Butler, and now a host of FBI "resistors" appearing, with the Democrat National Party openly choosing a Sovietsota extremist whose first proclamation was resistance in overturning the 2025 landslide for President Donald Trump.
The United States has twice previously faced outright treason from the democratic party. It was in Democrat Andrew Jackson's term that South Carolina, the forerunning of the hotbed of Minnesota extremism, threatened to overthrow the Government of the United States, but Jackson did not hesitate in sending in federal troops to smash the rebellion.
Abraham Lincoln was not so fortunate in being a minority President in the secessionists moved before he could secure the hotbed of South Carolina, where the radicals of the Democrat Party moved the entire South into war against America.
America is now on this same mudslide of divide, fomented for years under the illegal Barack Hussein Obama in burning down America in BLM and ANTIFA terrorism to unseat President Trump in another election theft, and now 47's third term, this insurrection has become institutionalized with the new Sovietsota chairman of the DNC vowing "stronger" resistance against Donald Trump.
Stronger resistance? People were mass murdered in the skies over Washington City.
Stronger resistance? The New York FBI staff is digging foxholes and equating Trump Administration policy as something to be answered with in war.
The President of the United States must be given full backing in naming this an insurrection and invasion, which gives him full Constitutional Authority to put it down by force as President Andrew Jackson and President Abraham Lincoln were forced to engage in to save America.
The term resistance is insurrection. This only gets worse in this Obama troll, David Hogg was installed at the Committee as the Vice Chair.
Gun Control Advocate David Hogg '23 Elected DNC Vice Chair | News
Promising 'stronger resistance against Trump', Ken Martin wins ...
The Democratic party has been adulterated into it's radical and lethal past of making war on the Government of the United States. America must understand this danger and absolutely perform a loyalty oath and a sweeping crackdown before this erupts into another Obama insurrection that Merrick Garland will not call terrorism, because it happens in the darkness.
Nuff Said