Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Footprints of Insurrection: Obama Senate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the disturbing trail of the footprints of insurrection in America, the most conservative Senator in Chuck Schumer, Jewish, Democrat, New York, unleashed against the Supreme Court of the United States in targeting two Justices with threats.

The Department of Justice is now investigating the terroristic threats of Senator Schumer, who now claims he did not mean them to be threats.

This exact rhetoric has gotten Justices stalked for assault and no one can forget the violent rhetoric from this same Obama group in mocking penis size of Donald Trump to threats against Candidate Trump which ended up in the events of Butler PA where Donald Trump almost had his head blown off.

The DOJ has launched an investigation into former Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (C/G-NY) for his threatening remarks against conservative Supreme Court justices.

Schumer acknowledged he should not have made such threats, claiming:

[T]they didn’t come out the way I intended to. I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language. I shouldn’t have used the words I did, but in no way was I making a threat.

Despite this, Schumer declined to apologize for his comments.

Instead, the compromised Chief Justice John Roberts may have slightly spoken out on Schumer’s behalf:

Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.

This is beyond saying things were not meant, were inappropriate, this is gasoline on the left wing nuts which Butler proved and so did the attack upon the Trump home in Florida in which Secret Service then admitted they could not protect Mr. Trump. The same Secret Service who left gaping holes at Butler to harm Mr. Trump.

Not one word about that investigation by Senator Schumer or any of his Liz Cheney to Nancy Pelosi collaborators about Butler.

These insurrectionists stoke the violence and wait for the violence to erupt and then "wish Donald Trump health". They have allowed the invasion of America to erase and replace Americans and are now threatening the institutions of Government in this resistance in violent rhetoric which is insurrection as they are outside the Constitution.

Nuff Said
