As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a fact, that ever since Barack Hussein Obama was installed in the overthrow of the United States Government, there has been an absolute lack of stability in foreign and domestic policy. For all their discord Bill Clinton after trying left, swung back to Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, and in that George W. Bush continued on the same type of policies foreign and domestic.
With Barack Obama, it swung to his international cronies in looting America over fraud green energy and stealing from Americans in trillion dollar handouts to the rest of the world twice. President Donald Trump was stymied in his attempts to degrade the Obama Clinton manifesto for the world and was framed, whereby Joe Biden recommitted the same Kaganite leftists with full support of the Bill Kristol NeoCons in thee most extreme and radical of agendas which included saber rattling nuclear war and the holocaust of Russians in Ukraine and the genocide of Philistines in Gaza.
Gone were the NeoCons like Paul Wolfowitz whose visions of Muslims electing their own governments and Africans in charge of the money's donated to them for development, because gone was Jared Kushner's Abraham Accords for Peace in the Middle East in the two state solution as Obama Biden destroyed it with Tel Aviv in allowing the Hamas situation to erupt for Greater Tel Aviv policy.
At present, the Ziongelical Ambassador Mike Huckabee is saying he is Biden trolling in there will be not any homeland for Philistines in Gaza or the West Bank. The Lame Cherry is reasonable in this and is not going to be screaming Jew hatred of Islamophobia. I will be blunt. The British set up for Jews a territory which was not defendable and would breed war. It was deliberate. It caused wars and more hatred. It aligned sides for profit and criminal states. There simply can not be a West Bank and Gaza Philistine state as it is divided and it will bring more of this conflict.
What is taking place now is the gotcha phase of Tel Aviv trying to pawn Philistines back off into Saudi Arabia, where numbers immigrated from long ago, and the Saudi's do not want this violent population back. So we have a people who the Jews want gone, the Saudi's do not want no more than Egypt, and President Donald Trump wants them evacuated to new homes, where Gaza will then be rebuilt by the money interests with Philistines coming back, probably when the Jews die out as they are not having babies.
Zionist Huckabee Says No Two-State Solution
Trump repeats pledge to take control of Gaza
even as pressure mounts to renew ceasefire
Trump - 'I'm Committed to Buying, Owning Gaza'
In this, the American Jewish faction of Jared Kushner which is Orthodox and Russian connected and Miriam Adelson who is a ConJew, are involved in this President Trump idea to attempt to solve this in a humanitarian mission, with the stick of Tel Aviv bombs making life deadly for the people who are refusing to leave.
The Lame Cherry has said all it will say in Philistia, in a homeland for the Philistine in southern Libya, a rented property from Libya for 99 years, like Guantanamo Bay is for America with the Cubans. Russia could provide security, Egypt the pipeline of water, and in this wonderful city state development, Libyans would get all this real estate in purchase price from Philistines who then wanted to return to Gaza when it became inhabitable. I will not push this any more, but state it was the offering of what the Philistines want in a state of their own, and away from Tel Aviv, they will not be bombed.
We have due to Joe Biden and Barack Obama this worse situation as the Philistines are now homeless and the field has been expanded to terrorists put in by Turkey and Tel Aviv in power in Syria, Lebanon in ruins, Egypt on alert, rabbi Jewry saying they want Jordan for their messiah to come back, and the city state of Gaza rubble.
I was on Google maps and looked at Gaza. It was all houses. There were not any gaps. This was a well planned city state, including water pools and other areas of relaxation. It is all gone now. This was a horrendous crime, but let us face reality and stop bitching. The Jews are not going to be Nuremberg hung over this, so let us pick up the pieces and figure out how to appease the Philistines so they do not buy nukes and start retaliating in terrorism again.
At this point President Trump faces the cover your ass Muslims and Europeans who do not want revolution to erupt in their nations in the Mideast or for terror attacks and loss of money made in this terror war in Europe.
Leaders are telling the President one thing in private and saying other things in public, which is eroding American position in providing a peaceful solution.
President Donald Trump.
“I’m committed to buying and owning Gaza. As far as us rebuilding it, we may give it to other states in the Middle East to build sections of it. Other people may do it through our auspices. But we’re committed to owning it, taking it, and making sure that Hamas doesn’t move back. There’s nothing to move back into. The place is a demolition site. The remainder will be demolished,”
The fact is there is no money or power in peace. Other American presidents have tried to make a peace and been met with Hamas elected to power in George W. Bush. To state that Hamas should be removed and then all will be kosher is not going to happen. The Bible states a false peace will appear, but out of Europe, so the sooner President Trump backs away from all of this, and turns this over to the Germans, the better it will be. Let President Trump be CEO of the rebuilding projects in humanitarian missions, but let others deal with their terror for profit.
This blog has stated that the President should wash his hands of this. I believe that at the Arab Summit, Secretary of State Marco Rubio should speak there and lay out a clear path of what is intended, and state that those who are against this, have no status quo to fall back on, for what is coming is war in the Mideast and Tel Aviv will use nuclear weapons, and then all the regimes there will blow like Tel Aviv, as America is not going to be sucked into another regional or global war, especially with nuclear weapons.
The British need to be blamed for this insecure mandate. The French have not dealt with Lebanon and Syria. Russia has been arming Iran, while Saudi Arabia has it's oil and American nukes too out of Pakistan.
As this Ziongelical blindness demands absolute support of the Tel Aviv regime, then that is what it is, and there must be absolute defined limits, that America is not going to fight a war in the Mideast for Tel Aviv, nor will it get into a nuclear conflict. Tel Aviv has the nukes if all sides will refuse peace, and when it comes to that, there is no alternative other than the Jews going scorched earth, and the Jewish state will glow then too, as will Russia and China. Perhaps with enough poison radiation, these peoples will all have had enough and be reasonable, and that is when President Trump can arbitrate, otherwise, America needs to form American policy and one of those policies is to protect the Jews of New York as they will be the biggest nuclear target when this erupts as a Black Swan and as retaliation.
Jared Kushner and Miriam Adelson are pragmatic. They will understand this in their own interests in why for their sakes, America must not be joined to this when no one wants any kind of solution.
I believe the Lame Cherry will be proven absolutely correct on this again and if the warning is not heeded, this will be a failure for President Trump. The President must heed the mistake of President Ronald Reagan in sending in the Marines to Lebanon in their slaughter. There are too many people who want Donald Trump to fail who are regime connected and will start blowing up Americans in the project.
This is Solomon's baby in an impossible situation the President has placed himself in. I will offer this help though as I desire 47's success. Somehow get Hamas out of Gaza with a carrot into Libya in that rental. Then contract with the Philistines to move the rubble and bombs out, IF they move their women and children out of Gaza to new homes being built for them, outside of Gaza, where when Gaza is rebuilt in sections, by lottery people can then return if they like or SELL that allotment to the United States.
This could be the remedy for numbers of people in Palestine at present, in real estate agents in United States contracts, would offer to buy up the lots which are now rubble at a set price and the price would reduce as each day passed and when construction began, and when finished those finished allotments would then be taxed at a high rate, where it would prove better for Philistines to stay where they were and not return.
These are ideas to float in an American policy, as saying we want to do this in this negative cesspool will not accomplish anything. The key to this is fragmenting the Philistines and their selling their land to America.
You know how women are Team Trump, give them a nice home with their children, nice schools, corrupting bling and they will tell their husbands they do not want to go back to that shit hole.
Nuff Said.