At least we know what happened to John Lennon.....he fled Yoko and Paul
and became Hal Turner's bodyguard named Sgt. Prepper.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was amused that Hal Turner, on his radio program was not sucking up like Jeff Rense does in claiming to have thee most intelligent audience out there, in Hal is basically quitting the idea of callers. OK, let me explain, callers are put on air, not for content but to get numbers up for advertisers. Rush Limbaugh screened heavily for callers as most people are not interesting. Mark Levin insulted people and people liked that, but callers are nothing but a gimmick to make the audience think they matter. All audience means is revenue for talk shows in ad rates.
I listened to Hal Turner's show. He is a good presenter, but his callers suck. They are beyond stupid. I have listened to Rense's callers. When he finds one who is not a shit for brains, he keeps them talking to fill time, otherwise they are idiots too.
The reason Hal Turner is doing this, I suspect, is he is not getting the donations anymore, due to people feel safe for Trump doing things..........but baby sister, I promise you if Trump does not go to hanging people off the White House balcony, those trolls are coming back and we are all going to be dead. Even with some of my friends being Vulcans, I will be one of the first carted away.
You can't waste time for shitheads who grab the mic and chatter on, just like. I don't do bait click so numbers are not a consequence. I smiled the other day as I had more Canadians lurking around this blog than Americans. My numbers are real and I have more daily readers than most publications in real numbers. I also have more deadbeat trolls than donors and the same amount of hall monitors like the Mounties who are wondering who this is that is going to take over Canada and make them stop terrorizing the Canadian public.......well the ones who deserve freedom as Canadians are a people who stand around and get shit on and thank the anus doing it. I think President Trump should put a Jew holiday into effect in Canada like the Pur, in a Canadian is given a gun and has to shoot some shit head, and if they don't then an American gets to shoot them and gets their stuff. Make good Jewish commerce as the Pur in the Bible was a great way to deal with problems and who can argue with the Jews being such vunderbah folks. I would not want to be called anti semitic, so we have to wait for the official decree before anyone acts out, or else they get whatever punishment Canada thinks is harsh, like .......not getting to bile the kettle for tea.
On Wednesday evening, at the end of Hour #2, I announced that there are going to be changes in my live radio show. I reiterated the announcement on Thursday night's show . . .
First change: The second hour on Wednesdays, will end at the end of this month. As of March 1, my show will still air, Monday thru Friday, from 9:00-10:00 PM eastern time. No second hour on Wednesday nights.
Secondly, I am including much more news for the purpose of minimizing callers to the show. Yep, I've had enough.
You know, every night, I talk about hard news. EVERY NIGHT. I give blunt, informed, lively commentary.
For a long time now, when I open the phone to callers, they talk about stuff that is completely unrelated to any of the news I just spent a half hour to 45 minutes reporting. THEY want to talk about . . . . . whatever.
That's over.
From now on, I will report the news, take calls about that news and/or the social, political, cultural - even religious-- implications of that news.
Your calls have to matter. They have to add something to the show. They have to be relevant. Interesting. Worthy of airtime on my show.
Do you honestly believe that anyone in the world is interested in what you read in some magazine in 2019, about something that took place two years earlier? NOBODY CARES.
Why should I give up my valuable airtime, that I am paying more than $3 a MINUTE for, to accommodate 2,3,4 minutes of a boring caller with old, irrelevant information that has nothing at all to do with the content of that show?
I was listening to Keleigh Nelson. She never sends me Christmas goodies and I am a Christian, but she was shrieking over the bad things coming in this AI state. I have Faith as a Christian that this is coming all 666 of it, and I'm banking on Jesus return, so I'm pushing this shit hard and fast. I love Jehu Trump. I hope he hauls ass more than he has started. I'm all for this chit as the more Trump the better for the world. More chaos is more cover and I trust in God that He will get at the hearts of non donors to come up with the cash for me saving their lives for all these years, but is amazing how people always forget to donate in the promises they make. All those Canadians and one sometimes donor with a cool name. I mean should Canada exist with a people that larcenous and cowardly? Not my call, but God does review the tally and there has to be limits like Hal Turner in what ends up fire and brimstone and what ends up as my front porch. I mean, I get enough cold ass air from Canada from HAARP, not like there is allot of sympathy for that from me as I am shivering now in chem toxicity.
So good for Hal Turner, calling his audience fucktard deadbeats that he does not want to listen to anymore. Granted I don't have the 170,000 he said he had to buy out his Mama's resort in Pennsylvania to waste a wad on solar polar trying to light up. I mean Jeez louise dude, you can get 5000 dollar industrial generator, run the thing 3 hours to charge up the batteries and you got a dependable system in shit state Pennsylvania in the hills there. That is an entire article there in what you people with money should be doing on back up power. Maybe some portfolio child will donate the six figures, only God knows what a person's eternal life is worth, but for now I'm in a pissy HAARP mood in trying to keep warm in struggling through the days.
Hal T is a good flamethrower. Has lots of juicy things daily. Putin and Trump are about to meet to divide the spoils. Lavarov called us Nazis in America first............God bless Lavarov for getting what America is in Uber Alles and we won't make Hitler mistakes and President Donald Trump has told those Goddamn Russiagate Brits that they get Ukraine and can fucking die there with those Goddamn French as America is washing it's hands of that Bush, Obama, Biden shitfest as President Trump is a good Jew lover as we all are as we do not like genetic dirty little dwarfs in Kiev, but we like having Miriam Adelson helping Tel Aviv Netanyahu to see the light in Jew York City rules the Jews of Tel Aviv. Miriam is our good Mama and we all love and adore her.
As it is the effects of Red Eye doing the typing, 47 told the Russians to get their shit together before Easter in land annexing as then the peace deal takes place and we are off to Gaza developments. We are not supposed to know that yet, but I know things from God and I try not to rock the boat on things as some things are best left unknown to non donors as they get the wrong ideas without someone telling them what it means.
Better to just donate in the 6 figures and now that Hal Turner has told you that you don't know jack or shit, you might as well donate here as I'm the only air time that matters on the Lame Cherry.
Nuff Said
Only good song on that whole dope head shitty album. Got to have that chicken crow. Whole fucking album of shit and they knew how to do heavy metal and one song............all that damn horns and flutes, who gives a frick about that. No pianos or horns in Rock music........that is the rule. Butter pie my ass.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise / Remastered 2009)