Friday, February 28, 2025

The Golden Age of President Trump in Texas Energy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Unlike the illegitimate Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, promising energy production when John the hero McCain spoke of the Lame Cherry building of coal and nuclear power for electricity for Americans, President Donald Trump's vision of the beginning of small scale next generation nuclear power plants has begun in America with Texas leading the way.

In contrast, new "advanced" reactor designs use alternatives to water for cooling, like liquid metal or special gases. 

Natura's design, like many others, uses molten salt. It's not table salt but fluoride salt, a corrosive, crystalline substance that melts around 750 degrees Fahrenheit and remains liquid until 2,600 degrees under regular pressure.

As a result, the reactor can operate at extremely high temperatures without high pressure. If the system ruptures, it won't jettison a plume of steam, but instead leak a molten sludge that hardens in place. 

"It doesn't poof into the air and drift around the world," Towell said. "It drips down to a catchpan and freezes to a solid." 

Rather than solid fuel rods, Natura's design also uses a liquid uranium fuel that is dissolved into the molten coolant. According to Towell, a former research fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, that decreases the amount of radioactive waste produced by the reactor and makes it easier to recycle.

The Kairos reactor design uses molten salt coolant with hundreds of thousands of uranium fuel "pebbles," while the X-energy design uses fuel pebbles with a gas coolant. 

Critically, many new reactor designs are also small and modular.

As the Lame Cherry has written of, these next generation nuclear reactors are exactly what America needs, in they use salt metals, as is noted above and does not have to use huge amounts of water in energy production. This is in complete contrast to the Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota environmental disaster in using pure underground water, depleting aquifers for coal generated power from Minnesota communist plants. This was shut down the by Courts which threatened the power company's and Rounds that if they harmed the aquifers, they would be held responsible.

That is not to say that the Lame Cherry is against coal power, but the dinosaur age of using huge amounts of water to generate electricity has ended. These molten salts are the future, and even more so are President Trump's advocacy of building smaller megawatt generators. In thee above in about 18 months an electric plant can be operational. Compare that to a decade for these huge power plants always being touted, which literally lose half their electricity over these massive distance transmission lines. For environmental resiliency, it is better to build metro power stations to service their populations, and make them into regional connecting grids with overlaps. An example would be Oklahoma City with Kansas City and Dallas would form a transmission grid and when a singular station was down for maintenance, then OKC and Dallas would supply Kansas City with a surplus. Limit the grids, harden the structures from EMP and America is going to shine when other nations go dark.

The popular girl still advocates for thorium production, but in this interim, these next gen nuclear plants have a purpose as the can be built to use spent radioactive fuel which is just sitting in toxic storage in numerous sites across America which produces unhealthy tons of this to the waste dump each year. America must wean itself from nuclear weapons and nuclear power. The recycling of spent fuel though is a necessity in this and end this toxic spent fuel dumps across America.

 The only thing I am disappoint in, is there are just two plants starting. There should be 600 of these metro plants being constructed, that is only 12 power plants per state and it would in a few years, end high Obama wind and solar gouging prices on all Americans. Americans could once again see 50 dollar a month electric bills in off season months and only 100 dollar electric bills for heating and cooling their homes. There must be a deflation in energy prices and the President has advocated this and market forces will prevail. It just needs a kick in the rear from President Trump to produce a directing board, perhaps led by Vice President JD Vance to bring focus and streamline this process.

Build these power plants in America and America can export them around the world. In my working theory, coal could be utilized for these high temperature molten salts as much as uranium.  The only secret to high temperatures as Andrew Carnegie proved is feeding air to a fire, making coal more of a dust, so it is burning more rapidly and completely and you get the best  steel in the world or the most efficient coal electric generation and prices.

That about sums this up in the American Dream is manifesting in all of our minds again in we see hope and the future for all of us and the people of the world.

Nuff Said
