Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Kennedy in our Fold

 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has the deepest empathy for Robert Kennedy II, in how his family has ostracized him for the globalist plantation, away from everything which Joe, John and Robert stood for politically. I realize it was a matter of survival as Jackie O sold herself to the Greeks for safety, and as Teddy went ditch diving in almost being removed too, the message was clear for the Kennedy's, "Your people are dead and if you make trouble, you will be dead too".

So the Kennedy family went with the tide of liberal controls as the safety of a movement as long as they kept their mouths shut. When John Kennedy II was moving to become President, he was murdered with his wife and not yet born child in plane explosion, so that Hillary Clinton would be in the democratic presidential running. Uncle Ted faced the future in his last act of protecting the Kennedy's in putting the mantel on the illegitimate Barack Hussein Obama. Obama then bitched slapped the Kennedy's as unwelcome.

I empathize in what it would be like for years to deal with your Uncle and Father being murdered before the world and everyone having to grin and pretend it was all kosher. RFK II apparently was not active though as he talked to people, researched and he knew who murdered his family. Nothing could be done about it, but at least he knew what this conspiracy was.

In the video Secretary Kennedy ,explains the vile nature of what not his family was exposed to, but what Americans and people of the world have been exposed to in these genocide vaxes from the hands of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates. We know now for certain that when the French started squawking about gain of function weaponized viruses in the Carolinas, that Barack Obama had Anthony Fauci move it all offshore, with the help of Justin Trudeau of Canada, into China, which was intended as a global genocide of humans to transhumans in mRNA vaxes.

This is vile. This is evil. This is beyond what we are told is the worst person in history in Adolf Hitler was doing. In defining that reality, it is evident as Charles Schumer was handling Robert Kennedy II in this election, not for a Kennedy win in the DNC nor the election, but to add a Kennedy to the list of no longer having a shelf life. The betrayals of Robert Kennedy which he has suffered for his entire life has formed in him a character which would have driven most people nuts or to violence. He has been patient in something he could do nothing about, but now the reality is, that Secretary Kennedy can shine the light of his well being on everything in America from healthy farming to healthy medical care.

We know that the people who murdered John and Robert Kennedy are all dead. The mechanisms remain, but they are being constricted in the work of Elon Musk. For Robert Kennedy, I hope he does get his pound of flesh, perhaps it can not be off the dead as there is no sense in digging up Cromwell's body and putting his head on King Charles' pike, but he can find solace in the bringing to Justice like at Nuremberg the big names who have harmed billions of people. Never before in history as a man been in a position to have the office to right for the many the wrongs of the few who preyed upon them.

Robert Kennedy is now our Patriot on the Right, as much as Senator Douglas was in supporting President Abraham Lincoln, as much as Edwin Stanton was a Secretary of War, as much as General Butler was in Louisiana during the Civil War.

Barry Goldwater once stated correctly that there was no extremism in the defense of liberty. I do not know the extents which Robert Kennedy will go to for Justice, but knowing what he and his family have had done to them, and they were made to grin about it, smile about it, support it, or all be dead, can it really be not said that for a family seeking Justice for themselves and the world peoples, there can not be any extreme in obtaining that Justice.

Nuff Said

