Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Trump Reich's Leader to Save Europe

ist Reich's leader to save the Fatherland

I do not see Mertz changing Germany’s economic direction. He must reject the EU and NATO and listen to the German people.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The volk have spoken resoundingly in German elections. The East has overwhelmingly voted for Uber Deutschland. The West has overwhelmingly rejected socialism. To victor in Frau Merz will not go the spoils though as he has disregarded the German volk in their votes, and rejected the AfD, and by this Frau Merz will be spoiled.

I see a door opening for the Austrian, Sebastian Kurz, who spoke to Germans from their hearts, that German regimes have plans for sunny days, which does not include the German People.

Frau Merz wants nuclear weapons. Frau Merz wants a new security system for Europe which is not NATO. Frau Merz is breaking the alliance with the United States.

The realities for Frau Merz are simple. The globalists have shattered the German economy. They ended the necessary base of carbon fuels for unmanageable wind and solar energy. German industry is kaput. The German work ethic is failing without a reason for the pride of being German.

There is not enough manufacturing base in Germany for war. There is not resources in Ukraine to pay these war whores from Denmark to Germany in supplying weapons to Kiev. Ukraine has rejected their dwarf Jew dictator. The overriding factor in this is that the dwarf has slaughtered too many people so there are not numbers for an army. The Russians have been toying with Ukraine and have never brought out a show of real force. Met with that, Germany, England, Poland and France would have piles of dead bodies, whose corpses would upon returning home fertilize revolutions bringing down these regimes.

On those projections, Germany is not going to recover. As the United States moves onto the mission to save America, the economic dynamic becomes American in the world at peace with Russia. The regime of Frau Merz in rejecting the German volk, the vote for the AfD, the entire East German states, in attempting to ally with globalist extremists like the Green, who want no part of anything in the "German Right" of Merz, will face an economic collapse in Germany.

Germany does not have the funds to rebuild it's nation. Germany does not have the funds to build a war machine. Germany does not have the funds to buy nuclear weapons and maintain them. Germany does not have energy resources. Germany is just part of the NATO paper tiger. When the United States pulls it's bases out of Germany, that may trigger the collapse or it may be piles of dead Germans for Zellinskyy's war in Ukraine, but there will be a crisis in government and Frau Merz will lose the coming election.

Germany's future is the stench of stagnation of Manny Macron of France having set aside the voter's will in not including the French Right in governing France.

The time line I'm inquiring on has the Merz regime going critical in June and it will collapse in July.

This is the door which is open to Sebastian Kurz in a necessity of a number of situations which will have to break his way with behind the scenes movements, for this Austrian to come to power as the Reich's leader to save the Fatherland.

Frau Merz has already lost. He has failed the Fatherland. He has failed the Deustch volk.

As Grandma used to say, große Wunder und Scheiße donnert


I would expect a Fuehrer to appear.

Nuff Said
